Central American migrant caravan’s tactics changing? – IOTW Report

Central American migrant caravan’s tactics changing?

American Thinker:

The plan is shifting.

Donald Trump has reacted to the surge in migration toward our southern border in a truly unexpected fashion, at least as unexpected as it can be from an activist progressive press that still doesn’t understand him.  Watch for indications that the planners of the migrant “caravan” are adjusting their plan from invasion to a purposeful large-scale humanitarian crisis acted out before the compliant press.  If these hordes cannot be used to invade, then they can still be used for a propaganda blitz.  The first indication of a change of plan emerged yesterday, care of The Yucatan Times, which reported the following:

The caravan of thousands of Central American migrants has signaled its intended border crossing, turning toward Texas rather than staying on the route toward California.  more

18 Comments on Central American migrant caravan’s tactics changing?

  1. Well, Texas, there’s only one way to save yourselves… Time to change flags.

    (On the bright[er] side, there’s nothing to stop The Republic of Texas from legalizing expulsions… Lookin’ at you Austin.)

  2. Don’t be surprised if the U.N. and other Soros-funded groups have the media tents pitched and ready to go before the first migrant arrives.

    Just like Waco. I’m sure the tanks and snipers will be “brave” and “justified” — no matter how long. The televised incineration of mothers and children “tragic” and “unforeseen” — mo matter how defenseless. It’s not like the Ministry of Truth has declared the American people the enemy. Same as it never was.

  3. TO WSiaPh
    So, you’re comparing these NoHablo invaders to the Waco victims?!
    Move to Honduras, por favor. Or Venezuela.
    Our country doesn’t need any more gaslighters like you.

  4. Lets pretend these savages are Ranchers. Lets treat them like the FBI and BLM and Oboingodingogowanga treated the Maluer Wildlife Refuge and The Bundy Ranchers. Lets set up road blocks and lure them into assassination hits. Lets come up with a book and a kill list of targets. Lets bring in bombs and set fires to the caravan. Lets just set up a plan, designed by demorat loyalist Agents of the FBI, to slaughter this wave of savages. Im all for it this time. Kill these animals and send a message to the world.

  5. Looks like we have creeping liberalism and sharia starting here at IOTW what with these last several coments.

    That’s okay as long as we see it for what it is – agitation and anti-American bs.

    Demoncrats caused the Bundy and Waco stuff.

  6. I agree with Gandhi. Lets mow these criminals down with Tommy Guns like its 1920s Chicago. Kill everyone above 3 feet tall. Send the rest back to Wallymalia or put them on a C 130 and drop them over Afghanistan.

  7. Changing tactics? Probably, if they had a coherent plan in the first place. The peasants were snowed into thinking they could just plow through if they had enough numbers and then they were home free to exploit the wealth of the American citizens. They are just pawns exploited by global extremists to bring down the republic. Europeans are finally pushing back and Trump is fighting the headwinds here.
    Tuesday will tell the story. Are we keeping whats left of the country we grew up in or is it too late?

  8. Yeah, caught the big sobfest on Speculum news this AM where they had a funeral for a 24-yo “Honduran immigrant” that allegedly died from being struck by a rubber bullet. Enough tears to oil all my guns and yours too.
    So no question as to whether or not they ARE future democrats….or would be if they get past the gate.

  9. @whiney smith- “Just like Waco.”

    “Appearing on CNN’s Larry King Live, Tripp suggested that Foster, at Mrs. Clinton’s direction, transmitted the order to move on the Branch Davidian’s Waco compound, which culminated in a military-style tear gas attack on the wooden structure.” … “”Her reaction, on the other hand, was heartless,” Tripp told King, adding, “I can only tell you what I saw.”

    You might be right. It could turn out just like Waco. Lives, even numbering in the hundreds, are meaningless to the democrats when balanced against their socialist agenda.


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