Central Florida student gets into trouble for correcting girlfriend’s apology letter on Twitter – IOTW Report

Central Florida student gets into trouble for correcting girlfriend’s apology letter on Twitter

College Fix: A University of Central Florida student has been suspended for “cyberbullying” after posting an apology letter from his girlfriend on Twitter … complete with spelling/grammar corrections.

According to the Miami Herald, senior Nick Lutz’s girlfriend wrote the letter after he had blocked her cell number and her access to him on social media platforms.

He gave the four-page apology a 61 out of 100, a “D-minus”


26 Comments on Central Florida student gets into trouble for correcting girlfriend’s apology letter on Twitter

  1. The white males where I work are walking on eggshells, while the corporation supports and funds a “women’s network” and a “african network”. There are continual announcements from these groups on the corporate intranet page.
    I’m not shitting you.

  2. I don’t understand the “university’s” standing in this matter.
    How is it their concern?

    The people who made this decision on behalf of the “university” should be forced to pay damages to BOTH the wronged student AND the “university.”

    AFTER they’re fired.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Hopefully she has realized his is not the one for her. Besides that, if it wasn’t published in a public forum in the first place and he did so after his childish comments were added it proves even more what dick he really is. He’s truly a future democrat. Here’s to you nick 🖕💩🤡❄️ Making florida great again.

  4. I know what you mean, Jethro. “Corporate” America is the ultimate PC, group think, Peter-principle bunch of weenies ever. Yes, there are some companies that don’t fit that mold, but most do. I’ve worked for them all – small business, start up, and multinational companies. I’ve seen the changes over the years.

    Now, I work for a company that used to be like a small business in that they valued their employees. As the years passed and upper management changed, they became more ‘corporate’. Now, if you are male and white; you better watch out unless you are in a victim status group (gay). Just a few months ago, one of my buds was put on report for sexual harassment. A new employee (a little chickie that just had to have her way about everything) went head to head with him (he was her boss). She quit but filed a report. He was called in for a talking-to and the only thing that saved him was that he was gay. When HR realized that, all pending investigation ended.

    We all laugh about it because he NEVER hid who he was. She was just clueless and after a big payoff. But without his victim class, he would have been sunk.

  5. Stupid charge by the University but the guys a dick. The girl in question is a high school student and if I skimmed the story correctly the guy is in his final year at the university. He shouldn’t have been suspended in the first place but with luck his final year will be friendless and more importantly, dateless.

  6. The main take away and biggest lesson I learned from this: Even when you’re stupid offline, it now manages to show up online.

    Personal crap should stay personal, but I guess respect and dignity for one another has been sacrificed for sake of “followers” and “likes”.

    He is not being clever, he is being cruel.

  7. They all suck.
    She did something wrong to him. She sucks
    He took it to 11 instead of just ignoring her or sending her letter back to her, so he sucks.
    It was between them, so anyone involved in their business suck, also.

    Wouldn’t it be hilarious if 6 months from now, they’re back together?
    That’s why you never take sides in a ‘relationship’ argument or a breakup.
    A day after you tell your friend what a bitch she was or what a dog he was, they get back together.
    And now, your friend’s significant other knows you called them an asshole. See? No winner!
    They all suck!!! 😄

  8. I have an issue here.

    “It’s important to understand that the process in this case may yet not be complete,” said spokeswoman Courtney Gilmartin.

    I have a “yuge” problem with anyone telling me what is important to understand. I’ll make that decision myself.

  9. So happy I had to retire from ‘real’ work (osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, etc) in Display/Theatre/Video bc I would not be able to keep my mouth shut enough. I’d lose a job quicker than you could spell ‘Trump’!

    BTW–the guy’s a complete dick…and she’s, well, a greedy little bitch. Maybe they’ll both grow up…someday?!?

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