‘Centrist’ Victory in France Calms Nerves, Yet Solutions to Core Problems Seem Distant – IOTW Report

‘Centrist’ Victory in France Calms Nerves, Yet Solutions to Core Problems Seem Distant

 Daily Signal

[…] Macron will also have to deal with the impression that “Macron didn’t win, Le Pen lost,” as leftist candidate Jean-Luc Melenchon put it Sunday.

For starters, turnout at 75 percent was the lowest in a French presidential election for over half a century. Over four million of those who voted cast a blank ballot.

In this hyper-political nation, clearly there was no passion for either Macron or his rival, Le Pen, in Sunday’s runoff.

Macron and mother wife.


There’s also the fact that Le Pen managed to win 35 percent of the vote despite being weighed down by her party’s ugly past, as well as her own. Her share of the vote was double what her father, Jean-Marie Le Pen, won in 2002 when he ran against former President Jacques Chirac.

She won over a third of the vote, even though the word “toxic” was so associated with her in the media that last month, she launched an attack on German Chancellor Angela Merkel, telling the BBC that it was her who was “toxic.”

Had Le Pen been a normal candidate, without her party’s noxious mix of anti-Semitism, racism, and Putinism, her message of national identity, assimilation, traditional family, and solidarity with those who hail from “la France Profonde (the France of Catholic mysticism and village life) would have performed much better.

Le Pen was such an imperfect vessel for questions that have seized the world’s imagination—as evidenced in recent elections in the U.S. and the United Kingdom—that last week, she had to plagiarize, almost word for word, a speech on assimilation and identity that a candidate who lost in the first round of the elections delivered in April.

Macron is a self-styled centrist, and in the French context that may be true (the left’s candidate vowed to impose a 100 percent tax on incomes above 400,000 euros).

But Macron is without question the champion of multiculturalism, environmentalism, alternative family arrangements, transnational governance—especially at the European Union level—and open borders.

Following a terrorist attack in Paris last month, Macron wondered on French radio whether terrorism is a new normal to which the French must become accustomed. “This threat, this imponderable problem,” Macron said, “is part of our daily lives for the years to come.”  MORE

14 Comments on ‘Centrist’ Victory in France Calms Nerves, Yet Solutions to Core Problems Seem Distant

  1. Fur, why showcase a Left wing article like this?
    The smears against LePen are untrue.
    Macron is not a “Centrist”.

    There are credible claims of widespread ballot fraud and ballot tampering. A 30-point win by Macron defies credulity, even by the most pro-Macron polling, which “only” had him 20 points ahead.

  2. I tell family and friends that our election was similar to the Steelers-Seahawks Super Bowl played in 2006, where the Seahawks not only had to play against the Steelers but also against the Refs.
    Fortunately for us this time around the players (we the people) were able to overcome the obvious bias and cheating of the Refs (liberal county election officials).
    I wish that I could say “too bad for France that they couldn’t beat the libs” since this event will affect many millions of lives everywhere, not just in France.
    And unfortunately the Super Bowl analogy is too good. The Stealers won.
    Time to fire the Refs.

  3. “I geet on zee stool and put zee rope about my neck …
    and theen I jump off!
    Sacre bleu!
    Oui must zurrender to Merkel, at once!
    Tout sweet!”

  4. Let France become the European magnet for Islam.

    Similarly, let California become the magnet for parasitical America and illegals, Islamic or otherwise (undocumented democrats).

    Build a wall around both eventually. Problem solved.

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