CEO of American Trucking Association Reveals 37 Percent of Truckers Will Not Comply With Vaccine Mandate – IOTW Report

CEO of American Trucking Association Reveals 37 Percent of Truckers Will Not Comply With Vaccine Mandate

CTH: A very interesting interview with Chris Spear, president and CEO of the American Trucking Association.

During a House Transportation Committee hearing on supply chain issues, CEO Chris Spear shares an internal survey showing that 37% of truck drivers “not only said no, but said hell no” to the Biden vaccine mandates.

To give some perspective of the downstream consequence, the ATA President noted that “if just 3.7 percent, not 37 percent, just 3.7 percent” of the drivers left the industry, there would be over a quarter million vacancies resulting in a “catastrophic” collapse of the U.S. supply chain.  Mr. Spear also shared his opinion the OSHA rule is completely unworkable and unlawful. read more

5 Comments on CEO of American Trucking Association Reveals 37 Percent of Truckers Will Not Comply With Vaccine Mandate

  1. How can a government “of the people, by the people, and for the people” mandate any-fucking-thing ON the people?
    This is tyranny, plain and simple.
    If it does not come from We, the People, it is unlawful, illegal, and tyrannical.
    And no one, people, legislators, or otherwise, has the right to dictate my medicine.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Do you want the food or not?!?!

    People should make their own INFORMED choice, assess the risk, & act according to their own judgment with no discrimination.


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