CEO of cheating website says he’s faithful husband – IOTW Report

CEO of cheating website says he’s faithful husband

ashley madison ceo

SAN DIEGO (AP) — Touting himself as the “The King of Infidelity,” the founder of the adultery site Ashley Madison built his livelihood around the unconventional philosophy that cheating is a natural part of married life — yet he says he is a devoted husband, and his wife of 12 years says she would be devastated if he was unfaithful. MORE

11 Comments on CEO of cheating website says he’s faithful husband

  1. The old gal certainly didn’t marry him for his looks. Must have been for the future benefits derived from his ‘Adultery for Fee’ Service. By the way, I wonder what she looks like and if she has been faithful to him. He better check out his own site!

  2. This is how The King of Infidelity justifies himself: “Realistically I see Ashley Madison as a marriage preservation tool. Sure there are people who go on to strictly have affairs and have no regard for their spouses. But the majority of the users are fulfilled in every aspect of their marriage but sexually. They don’t want to give up their wife or kids, they like their home life, but something has changed in the bedroom, or the spouse has lost interest after the child is born.

    I’ve said it before, we didn’t invent infidelity. We saw an opportunity. At the time 30% on singles dating sites were married and not telling people. 30% is a huge number. So I decided to create a site that catered specifically to those people. The thing about this site is at least when you join, you know exactly what you are getting.

    I don’t feel responsible if people decide to step outside their marriages. Basically, if you resigned to cheat, we’d prefer you to cheat on Ashley Madison”

  3. We were so poor, that’s the only toy I ever had. My dad used to holler at me for eatin’ the putty out of the window panes. The farm was so poor, you couldn’t raise a ruckus on it. One time, the hogs ate my little brother.

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