Champagne time: it’s a “bloodbath” at the State Department – IOTW Report

Champagne time: it’s a “bloodbath” at the State Department

JihadWatch– Break out the hats and hooters: the failed State Department establishment, which has applied and reapplied and reapplied again failed policies that have been shown to be based on false analysis time and time again (Poverty causes terrorism! Islam is a religion of peace!), is finally being cleaned out. May this swamp-draining long continue.

“It’s a bloodbath at the State Department,” New York Post, February 17, 2017:

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is cleaning house at the State Department, according to a report.

Staffers in the offices of deputy secretary of state for management and resources as well as counselor were shown the door Thursday, according to CBS News.

Many of those let go were on the building’s seventh floor — top-floor bigs — a symbolically important sign to the rest of the diplomatic corps that their new boss has different priorities than the last one.

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23 Comments on Champagne time: it’s a “bloodbath” at the State Department

  1. Cleaning list for President Trump:

    State Department √
    Department of Energy
    Department of Education
    Environmental Protection Agency
    Department of Commerce
    Department of Health and Human Services
    Department of Housing and Urban Development
    The Veterans Administration

    (Oh hell, just drain the whole swamp.)

  2. There is a rumor going around that when Tillerson first walked into former (Thank God!) Secretary of State John Traitor Kerry’s office he discovered that a bidet had been installed for Kerry’s personal use.

  3. If they are unionized federal workers, perfect! Just figure out what percentage of the total workforce in any department were hired after Obama took office. Declare the same percentage cost savings mandate on personnel in each office.

    Last hired, first fired!

  4. I’ve got a plan for cleaning house from end to end: Request the files (not just ‘personnel files’, but the FBI/CIA files that were created when everyone had to go through a security clearance check), and go through every, single one of them. Build a database and a bubble map to chart all the connections, including political party donations. Make everyone write a statement of their current job duties and don’t let them reference a job description. Easy peasy.

  5. I like the hell out of Rex Tillerson! Just wait till he gets involved with direct negotiations with Venezuela over something. They tried sticking it up ExxonMobil’s ass when he was CEO. And Venezuela might have won an early PR victory but T-Rex put the hurts on them later, and I’m thinking he would like to take another crack at those bastards.

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