Champion of women can’t erase her history as attack dog – IOTW Report

Champion of women can’t erase her history as attack dog

Mrs. Clinton talked Tuesday night about the women at Seneca Falls who fought for women’s rights, but notably failed to embrace the spirit of these early feminists who were pro-life and fought for women and their children. 

WT:  Many in the liberal media were overjoyed Tuesday night when Hillary Clinton became the first woman to clinch the presidential nomination for a major political party. The wall-to-wall coverage that followed her victory speech made it appear as if the mainstream media had closely coordinated with Mrs. Clinton’s press team to ensure that viewers couldn’t miss the pro-women talking points focusing on her gender and the presidency.

“We are all standing under a glass ceiling right now,” Mrs. Clinton joked at one point. “But don’t worry, we’re not smashing this one.”

I felt like I was watching a National Organization for Women rally.

As a mother of five daughters, I wish that I could get excited about Hillary Clinton’s historic moment, but she is a poor example and the wrong messenger for women seeking empowerment and better lives for themselves and their families. Instead, Mrs. Clinton is the epitome of the Democratic establishment, a career politician out of touch with the concerns of everyday American women.


5 Comments on Champion of women can’t erase her history as attack dog

  1. Come on Hillary, let’s really empower the ladies!

    Paula Jones for SecState.
    Juanita Broaddrick for Attorney General.
    Monica Blowinsky for SecHHS
    Kathleen Willey for head of Secret Service

    Yeah. Go for it.

  2. Did anyone notice that the speech was given in the old Brooklyn Navy Yard? This is the birthplace od some our nation’s most celebrated naval vessels–U.S.S. Monitor, anyone? For her to have stood there after letting four American perish at Benghazi and then stand on that soil celebrating her incompetence as she runs for Commander-in-Chief made me want to lose my dinner.

    All I could think was, “Yeah, bitch, your husband’s impeachment was pretty damned historic too.”

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