Chaos Hits Taylor Swift Concert as Fans Pass Out, Throw Up, Sob: Report – IOTW Report

Chaos Hits Taylor Swift Concert as Fans Pass Out, Throw Up, Sob: Report

WJ: A Taylor Swift concert on Sunday descended into disaster as inclement weather struck an outdoor venue in Tennessee.

Fans of the pop artist were forced to crowd together in covered areas of Nashville’s Nissan Stadium after severe storms hit the location, according to the New York Post’s Page Six.

The areas of the stadium that shielded fans from the storm weren’t sufficient to accommodate everyone safely or comfortably.

“Fans were getting antsy as they were being shoved into each other and security continuously kept trying to part their way through the masses,” one witness told the Post.

“The rain pooled around our feet as fans took their shoes off.” MORE

27 Comments on Chaos Hits Taylor Swift Concert as Fans Pass Out, Throw Up, Sob: Report

  1. “Chaos Hits Taylor Swift Concert as Fans Pass Out, Throw Up, Sob”

    Throwing up, passing out, and sobbing should be a NORMAL response to a Taylor Swift concert when one realizes what music as personified by her has become.

  2. Now I’m sad.

    Another “star” I’ve never heard of has taken money from morons. Betcha a million iOTWReport bucks that the fans don’t get their money back.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. What has become of us? Compare these pansy children to those who weathered the extremes of Woodstock. From young to old, they turned whatever happened into fun and just dealt with the inconvenience.

    Oh, sure, there were issues, but compared to the weak babies at the Swift concert, they dealt with whatever came.

    When did a little rain cause people to panic?

  4. Swift was on one of the first seasons of Dancing With The Stars.
    She sang without computer enhancements.
    She can’t sing worth beans.
    She fits the uniform.

    Pretty much all newer pop music sounds the same. There are 3 producers who own everything. It’s all computers.

    Another one I don’t get is Harry Styles.
    I friend of mine, in her 70’s, loves him. She played the cd in her car when I went to visit her. Oh my gosh! It was awful!!

  5. @just sayin: “Chaos Hits Taylor Swift Concert as Fans Pass Out, Throw Up, Sob”

    Throwing up, passing out, and sobbing should be a NORMAL response to a Taylor Swift concert when one realizes what music as personified by her has become.

    So I looked up what it cost to attend one of her concerts. I guess I’m out of touch with this kind of reality. There isn’t any celebrity that I would pay to go see. I’ll be honest here, I can’t recall hearing any Taylor Swift song sung by her. I can’t stand country and western music that’s been put out the past 40 years. But here’s what people will pay:

    As of Wednesday, the average price paid for tickets to one of Swift’s three shows at NRG Stadium this weekend is over $1,000, according to TickPick.

    The cheapest seats are going for more than $700.

  6. I agree that the price is REDICULOUS… and who wants to fight the traffic and crowds, both before and after the concert. When she was here in Phoenix, the 101 freeway was backed up for literally miles, with all of the on ramps shut down by police… and for what???

    I couldn’t name a single song of her’s even if my life depended on it…

    Not to mention I REFUSE to support IDIOT MORON LIBTARDS with my money, I haven’t been to a pro sports event ever since that BUTTOCK ORIFICE knelt during the National Anthem… Same for basketball, baseball, etc. NEVER EVER AGAIN… and you know what??? I don’t miss it at all, and now have time to do other more important things… such as take the grandkids on outings, look at God’s majesty in his creation whenever we go on road trips to the National Parks, etc.

    PROTEST THE SCUM BY WITHOLDING YOUR MONEY, FOLKS… and don’t even get me started on movies… With Maverick, Top Gun as the exception… I haven’t been in a theater in YEARS, other than good wholesome Christian movies that I attend with our church…


    my two cents worth, and yes… I give change

  7. aircubed
    AT 9:35 AM
    “She causes her fans to throw-up, too?”

    A lot of her fans probably turn to bulimia in a vain attemt to achieve her “Look”, so in a way, yes, she actually does.

  8. Taylor Swift made a billion dollar career out of songs about how every man she ever liked is an evil nasty traitorous asshole.

    Taylor Swift also endosed Joe Biden.

  9. My Downs daughter used to be a fan of Taylor Swift…until she saw the movie “Cats”. Now she makes me turn off the radio when a Taylor Swift song comes on. I’m fine with that.


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