Chaos in House after GOP votes down LGBT measure – IOTW Report

Chaos in House after GOP votes down LGBT measure

The failed amendment would have effectively nullified a provision in the defense authorization that the House passed late Wednesday night. The language embedded in the defense bill states that religious corporations, associations and institutions that receive federal contracts can’t be discriminated against on the basis of religion


TheHill: The House floor devolved into chaos and shouting on Thursday as a measure to ensure protections for members of the LGBT community narrowly failed to pass after Republican leaders urged their members to change their votes.

Initially, it appeared Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney’s (D-N.Y.) amendment had passed, as 217 “yes” votes piled up over 206 “no” votes when the clock ran out. The measure needed 213 votes to pass.

But it eventually failed on a 212-213 vote after a number of Republican lawmakers changed their votes from “yes” to “no” after the clock had expired.  more

9 Comments on Chaos in House after GOP votes down LGBT measure

  1. Based on what was written up there, I am still confused about what the hell actually happened. Near as I can tell, the Stupid Party pulled an Evil Party trick.

    Please don’t bring shit like this to the convention, y’all.

  2. The way I interpreted what was written was if some religious group has a federal contract, their 1st Amendment protections are intact. If a different religious group of the same faith doesn’t have a federal contract , they don’t. They are lumped in with the sex deviants who also failed to gain special protection so they could spread their misguided life style. However. the bunch in DC are masters at writing bills that defy understanding. But it’s also interesting that some of them appeared to have read the bill, and not just voted the way their office staff told them to vote.

  3. I love the ‘fearless ‘ leader’s comments: When asked about the vote-switching, Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) denied knowing whether his leadership team pressured Republicans.

    “I don’t know the answer. I don’t even know,” Ryan told reporters.”

    What an ass.

    Also, I got great pleasure,watching the video and seeing and hearing the democrats being so boisterously upset at the GOP stealing their own tactics.

    Is it at all possible the republicans are channeling their inner Trump and getting their testes out of cold storage?

  4. The amendment would have killed the religious freedom amendment for freedom of religion for federal contractors. So freedom of religion prevailed.

    Another amendment was approved banning the Confederate flag from national cemeteries. Confederate deaths don’t matter.

    Apparently there is an LGBT caucus in the House. Damn them to Hell

  5. One step forward, two steps back when it comes to Republicans in Congress. Be assured the RINO idiots will continue to help the Democrats chip away our freedoms.

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