Chaos is coming to Mayberry – IOTW Report

Chaos is coming to Mayberry

BLMarxists came to Roanoke, Virginia. But they weren’t uninvited- thanks to the mayor.

Do you trust your mayor? What about your sheriff? Your Chief of police?
As Barney Fife said, you’ve got to ‘nip it in the bud’.
If they don’t-
you better be ready to.


“We’re not here to support BLM, we didn’t come here for that, we’re not going to have a conversation about this, and that made them [the agitators] very angry,” he said. “We had already ordered our food. I told the waitress, ‘I’ll pay you for the dinner but we’re not going to stay under these circumstances. You either control the environment or we leave.’” Get the story

10 Comments on Chaos is coming to Mayberry

  1. A good read at the link and proves once again why you go nowhere without a great equalizer on your person.

    The guy in the story was lucky because even cowards can get lucky in a 4 on 1 beat down if they all attack at once and while coming at you one at a time you cannot always punch them in the throat before they get a hold of your arms so the other 3 can punch and kick you while you are grappling with the first.

    Better to pull your gun and give them O-N-E chance to walk away with shouted instructions to do so from about 10 feet away and warning them that one more step in your direction will be their last.

    It has come to this now and if not stopped soon there will be no reason to shout instructions when all the police are defunded…. it will just be hunting time.

  2. I’ve always been just a guy stuck in the middle. I just mind my own business. The cops and courts tie my hands and then expect me to be grateful IF the police show up after something goes down. Fuck that. Both gangs are out to get me. One gang has a blue uniform. The other gang uniforms vary. And I’m stuck in the middle.

  3. C’mon, man!
    Threats, intimidation? Straight out of the Black Shirts’ playbook.
    We cower behind our masks hoping the cops will set things right with the sneaking suspicion that our dependence on “law and order” is a mirage.

    Our courts have jettisoned the Constitution – from the pretentious maggots on the Supreme Court down to the FISA process and on down into the State Courts.

    Michigan Supreme Court “ruled” that Whitmer is DICTATOR! The Sovereignty of the Michigan Citizens be damned! And Michigan sits with their thumbs up their asses. Sadly, they deserve whatever they get.

    The Greeks told us about it 2500 years ago.

    Put your head in the noose, you’re gonna hang.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Some incident is going to touch off a massive push back against these punks and blood is going to run. When citizens have no other recourse but to settle matters themselves then I pity anyone that foolishly decides to get in the way of it.
    Like the old saying used in the military “payback’s a medevac”

  5. Here’s how you push back without firing a shot:

    Have a group of men in official-looking suits with tripod-mounted cameras and laptops step out of a large unmarked vehicle near the protesters. After a few minutes, then at random intervals, have several of the suits point in the same direction into the crowd. One of the suits with a bullhorn will then call out: “[random person’s name], your Twitter account will be deleted in 12 hours!”

    Then watch them scatter.

  6. Oh, Barney Fife. Beware the man who carries only one bullet. Can I get it out now, Andy?

    “When bad guys kick down your front door, you take your double barrel shotgun outside onto the upstairs balcony and shoot both barrels up into the air.”
    – A current US presidential candidate

    See? Easy fix, no one gets hurt!
    It’s super effective! /s

  7. Chuck Anklebiter- Uh huh. Oh but the details on your *LEFT* link are just soft-soaped.
    For example- It’s not blm painted on the street (but it’s still blm related.)
    “come on, maaaan”. lol

    Speaking of ‘pathetic, never happened’. Do you fact check CNN? AT ALL? Or are you paid in circus peanuts to troll non-left sites?
    When blm/antifa, ‘the peaceful protesters’ demand you kill yourself, will you do it so as not to be ‘racist’?
    Why doesn’t it bother you that the Dem party (your religion, your reason for being) put up a criminal with dementia to run for president?
    Who lies like he breathes, who confuses his wife with his sister, who inappropriately touches children and women, who tells people to vote for Trump (lol), who tells blacks they aren’t black if they don’t vote for himself, who says blacks aren’t diverse like hispanics… I could go on.
    But I won’t. Because you couldn’t read this with your head so far up your ass anyway.

  8. Oh! One more thing.
    If anyone with a blog happens to see this, Chuck Anziulewicz’s name comes up as a spammer. Apparently, he makes ‘comments’ on websites and then comes back spamming comments with ‘ i made 500 in my basement’ type of crap.


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