Chaos was always part of the plan – IOTW Report

Chaos was always part of the plan

Patriot Retort: The election returns last night were utter chaos. I don’t know if you stayed up to watch the returns roll in. I made it until about 1:30 and decided to call it a night.

No doubt there is fuckery afoot.

The President had a comfortable lead in Pennsylvania, Georgia, North Carolina and Michigan when suddenly counting seemed to just stop.

While Fox News apparently refused to call Florida for Trump despite his overwhelming lead, they quickly called Arizona for Biden when more than half the votes were uncounted. Even Arizona’s governor called Fox out on this flagrant screw-up.

All of it stinks to high heaven. And the chaos that’s ensued was baked in from the very beginning.

For over two hundred years this country has managed to elect a President with votes cast on one day and counts tallied in one night.

And now that basic system is shot to hell.

In that respect, COVID was China’s great gift to the Democrats. It provided them the perfect excuse to unleash chaos on our election by giving them a pretense to deploy an insecure vote-by-mail scheme.

Trump knew chaos was coming. He warned about it for months. more here

17 Comments on Chaos was always part of the plan

  1. I could lose sleep and raise blood pressure on all of this but a couple key points, first, the LOSERS that are the GOP Party heads knew this, they allowed this and were always 3 steps behind the cheating democrats. This is not a surprise and the GOP has had decades to make Voter ID and issue and have never done so. Second, this result, however it falls, is only inevitable. This country is going blue fast and at the rate that Colleges are indoctrinating youth to virtual nazis combined with open borders and the fact most Seniors are red leaning, it was only going to be a matter of time until the US went full socialist. Likely, history has taught us we have only begun to feel that pain and it will have to ferment much more until the backlash against it happens but that is likely a generation or two or four until it does.

    Idiots like GWB and McCain and Romney blew decades of time being soft pricks getting their asses handed to them by clients that should not have been elected to a local school board but they did. Those of us that marched as part of the Tea Party revolution that flipped the house in 2010 then suffered slander at the hands of the corrupt Media that called us Racist and every thing else you could and they stomped out that groundswell while the GOP leadership let it happen without giving a damn. Trump got elected in 2016 simply because he said NO MORE. He exposed them as the lazy swamp creatures they all are and called out the corrupt media and got elected because of it. If the fraud completes the destiny and we have Harris as President (in a couple months and you know it) then between open borders and continued indoctrination, likely no GOP candidate will ever stand a chance again so you in the GOP leadership just witnessed the swansong of the Grand Old Party last night. Welcome to planet irrelevence.

  2. “Chaos was always part of the plan”

    …just like their father, he must be well-pleased…

    “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”

    John 8:44

  3. Chaos was always part of the plan and when they stopped counting and Biden came out as they basically gloated about in their war game plans that leaked I said to hell with this and went to bed.

    When I saw Twitter announce the list of reliable sources and Fox was in it I also knew they would play a part. The majority of them hate Trump, they were all too happy to get some revenge for the McCains and call AZ while leaving TX and FL open. Shameful.

  4. “…COVID was China’s great gift to the Democrats.” mean the seasonal flu that the Democrat media blew up into The Thing That Ate All Creation? The FakeFlu that mayors and governors used to test out their dictatorial training wheels in the absence of any real threat? The case of the sniffles that State licensed and Obsmacare paid medical “professionals” used to turn medical office buildings into bastions of fear, lost incomes, and lost freedom over NOTHING? The fictional fever that ANY high temperature is now credited to, which is why there are NO regular seasonal flu numbers THIS year? The virtual virus that’s made a once-great Nation cower in their caves at an invisible enemy as they HELP their fear mongering Democrat government identify and oppress their fellow citizens who DARE deny the liberal orthodoxy du join?

    THAT gift?

    …the Chinese may have cooked the prototype, but it took Hollywood special effects provided by Democrats to make it LOOK like something it never was, and oh how well they coordinated their Chyrons…

  5. Where is James O’Keefe (Project Veritas) now when we really need him?!! This is the perfect time for him to drop one of his undercover videos!! That would definitely shut down the steal attempt.

  6. …they NEVER accepted President Trump.

    …WE will never accept President Harris.

    …sauce for the goose is good for the gander, nicht wahr?

    …but THIS sauce will have cordite in it…


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