‘Chappaquiddick’ Is Brutally Honest – IOTW Report

‘Chappaquiddick’ Is Brutally Honest

Daily Caller: [Ken Blackwell]

‘Chappaquiddick’ Is A Brutally Honest Movie Laying Bare The Kennedys For Who They Really Were.

Conservatives’ expectations for honest and fair movies coming out of Hollywood are understandably low.  For decades now we have been brow-beaten and lectured by clueless celebrities on everything from saving the Spotted Owl to gun control – the latest flavor of the moment.

But a breath of fresh air is blowing in from the left coast. The new movie ‘Chappaquiddick,’ from Entertainment Studios and Apex Entertainment, is a brutally honest recounting of one of America’s greatest public tragedies: the death of Mary Jo Kopechne in a car owned and driven by Senator Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.)

Producer Mark Ciardi has a winner, and perhaps it’s his record of brilliantly telling true sports stories (Invincible, The Rookie, Miracle, and Secretariat) that so influenced a talented group of director and actors – liberals all – to buy into a straight-up, no spin or bias, telling of this story.  As one might expect, longtime Ted Kennedy senior aide and speechwriter Bob Shrum, trashed the movie (likely without even seeing it) as “a disservice both to the victim and the truth.” On the contrary, the movie is a revelation of truth exposing the decades-long cover-up that Shrum, and other defenders of the Kennedy faith, have long perpetuated.

12 Comments on ‘Chappaquiddick’ Is Brutally Honest

  1. Horay for the “Lyon of the Senate” – to be remembered in such a way gives true credit to your personality and always beyond “reproach” behavior.

    You paved the way for so many reprobates attributed (and inspired) by/to your legacy and so many young women harmed we need to name several elementary schools and government buildings after you.

  2. Too bad it’s several decades too late in the telling. Might have saved the country some problems today by not passing The Lyin’ of the Senate’s signature 1965 Immigration Bill.

  3. This movie opens Thursday. I checked imdb to see where it’s playing in the KC metro area. It’s in exactly two theatres on Thursday and one Friday onward. I wonder if it’s the same everywhere. That’s the way they’ll keep people from seeing it and they can claim there is no interest.

  4. 40 years too late to stop that
    drunken b#@&$*÷ from creating
    the immigration mess we’re in.
    Footnotes in history are only of
    academic interest for our grandkids
    so I guess that’s where we are;
    lost in history.

  5. I wouldn’t downplay the awards potential. These are a cadre of Party faithful. Telling the “true story” of a long gone, and totally powerless — beyond the dynastic wealth of all the Party princes, “hero”. Who had a “dark” side. It’s no different than getting to play Darth Vader, or Lady Macbeth — for you geezers. Everybody gets to pretend what it would be like to be “nasty”. But everyone “knows” it’s just pretend. So the medals committee can give awards to Party true believers. For telling what they, themselves, can call, truthfully, the “fake” story. And telling it so well. And prove to the proles that the Party pities them, not hates them. Now, applaud proles, and throw money.

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