Character Witnesses: Former Girlfriends, Employees, and Childhood Friends Step Up to Defend Roy Moore – IOTW Report

Character Witnesses: Former Girlfriends, Employees, and Childhood Friends Step Up to Defend Roy Moore

Breitbart: A dozen women who know Alabama Senate candidate Judge Roy Moore personally have come forward to express their support and speak out about his good character.

Over the past week, several women have claimed that Moore made sexual advances when they were teenagers. Another woman said she was in her twenties when Moore groped her in his office.

Moore has denied the allegations and has vowed to stay in the race against Democrat Doug Jones in a special election next month to fill the Senate seat Attorney General Jeff Sessions vacated.

Several media outlets reported on the statements, which the Roy Moore campaign distributed.


All of the women live in Alabama and some in the same county where Moore and his wife, Kayla, live.

The women range from Moore’s sister-in-law to a former receptionist, from women he once dated to women who have known him since childhood.

A “Women for Moore” rally took place Friday outside the Alabama State Capitol.

The statements follow below:

10 Comments on Character Witnesses: Former Girlfriends, Employees, and Childhood Friends Step Up to Defend Roy Moore

  1. I’d love to see Moore win in a landslide.

    The Uniparty is making every posssible mistake. Gloria Allred was the crowning blunder.

    Just spoke with friends in Alabama. They say they think he’s going to win.

  2. Here comes the judge!
    Dougie’s supporters are stepping up their phone campaigning the next weeks.
    As a registered R, I am getting emails from Doug supporters. How are they getting my email addy?
    Alabamians for Moore!

  3. The Dems blew their fraud wad too early again, just like they did in the Presidential election. If you’re going to use fraudulent smears, you can’t leave so much time for the fraud to be exposed. Now the Moore counterattack is underway. Hope it succeeds beyond all expectation.

  4. 3 Alabama newspapers came out today with front page editorials promoting Moore’s opponent. All 3 of the papers are owned by Advance Publishing, located in NY. They also own GQ magazine. That is the rag that made kapernick their ‘man or the year.’
    That’s a character reference there.

  5. I feel that the Alabama Newspaper chain will be ignored by the people of Alabama. I read one report that Judge Moore is getting donations from all over the country. PDT should remember that many Americans supported Cruz but went full throttle for Trump once the got the nomination. The President should come out for Judge Moore. He’s going to be criticized by the media and the lefties no matter what he does, but I think Moore would be an ally.

  6. It’s the anonymity of some of the so-called witnesses that baffle me, and I don’t like that the accused can’t confront his accusers. Can you imagine a number of people hiding behind anonymity to accuse you of something? Just their (many) words against yours. Then you take a super-charged atmosphere of sexual predation like we’ve got today and everyone gets hysterical and believes this nonsense. Universities, for example, are regularly ruining young men’s lives because of the stupid idea that the accusers must always be believed. No basis in fact or letting law prevail to sort it out. And why is there no real punishment, after these accusations are debunked, of punishing the false witness.

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