Charlottesville Cops Pulled Squad Car From Intersection Used By James Fields After Officer Said She Felt ‘Unsafe’ – IOTW Report

Charlottesville Cops Pulled Squad Car From Intersection Used By James Fields After Officer Said She Felt ‘Unsafe’

DC: During the white nationalist rally in Charlottesville on August 12 that left one woman dead, an armed Charlottesville police officer felt “unsafe” and removed her car from the intersection of 4th Street NE and Market Street, where she was posted as part of the police department’s security plan.

White nationalist James Fields later drove through that intersection just before he plowed his car into a crowd of counter-protesters, killing Heather Heyer and injuring dozens of others. That is one of the damning details in a new independent report on the failures of the Charlottesville police department during the August 12 rally.

The officer, Tammy Shiflett, had just returned from two months off after elbow surgery when she was assigned to the crucial intersection. Shiflett normally works as a school resource officer at an elementary school, according to the report.

“In the face of the Market Street skirmishes that broke out after the unlawful-assembly declaration, Officer Shiflett felt unsafe and radioed for assistance. She was soon reassigned, and she moved her vehicle away from that intersection,” the report states.

“After Officer Shiflett departed, all that remained at that crucial intersection was a wooden sawhorse barricade. Lieutenant Steve Knick, the traffic supervisor, was not aware that Officer Shiflett had been reassigned. No one in the Command Center thought to replace Officer Shiflett with other officers, or install any additional barricades. The lack of protection of that intersection left it vulnerable to vehicle traffic southbound on 4th Street, across the Downtown Mall,” it continues.  read more

10 Comments on Charlottesville Cops Pulled Squad Car From Intersection Used By James Fields After Officer Said She Felt ‘Unsafe’

  1. Brilliant move, assigning a womon who normally works as a school resource officer at an elementary school to a situation involving a probable armed conflict. And then not providing a proper replacement for her when she freaked out and left. Are they so short on police officers that they have to do things like this? More likely it was just a massive clusterfudge by the brass. I would hope Internal Affairs reams somebody out for this one.

  2. Unbelievable. First, if she failed to immediately report her post desertion she needs to be fired I dont care how unsuited for that position she was. Second if her immediate superiour had been informed and failed to seal the breach he/she is gone to. I agree with VietVet, Internal Affairs needs to descend on this operation like a tornado.

  3. If Charlottesville officials didn’t want this to blow up it wouldn’t have. This was the result of intentional action and inaction because the leftists wanted a bad outcome.

    Cville is a beautiful place but is deep blue.

    And remember the driver said he got scared and wanted out of there. Sounds like the cop. Weird.

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