Charlottesville victim’s mother has the grace to thank President Trump while left media act like rabid dogs – IOTW Report

Charlottesville victim’s mother has the grace to thank President Trump while left media act like rabid dogs

BPR: When it comes to condemning violence, denouncing hate groups, groveling to the left and generally doing what he can to, despite his earlier observations, pretend all the violence came only from one side of Saturday’s tragedy in Charlottesville, Virginia, it will never be enough for Leftists and other assorted Trump-haters.

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17 Comments on Charlottesville victim’s mother has the grace to thank President Trump while left media act like rabid dogs

  1. Compare Trump’s graceful, classy act of kindness against the gay Kenyan commie who never comforted parents when they lost a loved one in the war. And the treasonous gay commie sure as hell never called the wife of a Policeman killed in the line of duty.

  2. In a related story, I just waited 20 minutes on-line to tell Under Armor I won’t be buying any more of their products after their CEO quit the presidential Manufacturing Council in protest to his reaction to Charlottesville. I hope they go bankrupt.

  3. President Trump’s Infrastructure remarks at Trump Tower were largely ignored. The media …oops, sorry, the American people…
    wanted to know about the KKK, Alt-right. Alt-left, BLM, etc. Really?
    The media suck. They are on their last legs.

  4. Just saw Trump’s presser at the tower. Again he destroys the press. Asks them what’s next? Tearing down statues of Washington and Jefferson because they had slaves? Correctly pointed out that both sides had responsibility. Some dumb bint kept asking if he was saying that the Alt-Left was on the same moral field as the Nazi’s and White Supremacists. As if the Alt-Left was some peaceful group of flower children.

    Scolded the press on them for inaccurate reporting before the facts were fully known, calling them fake news. Makes me laugh every time he schools them.

  5. Tony R – Yeah, I know. They’re all fair-weathered business friends. The council will lose and gain as time goes on. Under Armor has been taking a lot of shit since day one and they claim they don’t want any more ‘other than sports’ attention. They’re scared now. Maybe they should be making soak- proof underpants armor, huh? lol

  6. I just watched Trump’s press conference. ‘Off the wall’ was the media responding to his sane answers blaming both groups by screaming SO YOU ARE DEFENDING WHITE SUPREMACISTS! Or IS THE COUNTRY MORE DIVIDED SINCE YOU TOOK OVER! They can’t even attempt to hide their narrative and what they are trying to establish. Raw hatred and vitriol on display from a very openly biased media.

  7. I feel that what happened in Charlottesville and Durham, N.C The Police let us down . Badly. They marched the permit holders into bus loads of anarchists and backed off in VA. While the anarchists in Durham ripped a statue down at their leisure, with not cop in sight. I hope there is an investigation.
    But the emphasis in the media seems to be what President Trump said, or didn’t say, and when he said it. Pure BULLSHIT!

  8. @Tony R — Watching Dobbs tonight and it was reported that those CEO’s who had to make a political statement by leaving the council, their stocks are taking a noticeable hit today. You’d think they would learn. I guess they get their news from CN&N.

    God bless and keep this poor, bereaved mother. How awful. I noticed the Fake News had no mention of the woman or her family.

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