Chat Logs Reveal Alleged Plan To Turn Trump Rally Into Violent Riot – IOTW Report

Chat Logs Reveal Alleged Plan To Turn Trump Rally Into Violent Riot

National Pulse: Screenshots from a Discord chat channel allegedly hosted by John Sullivan – a far-left, anti-Trump activist who appears to have incited violence at the U.S. Capitol while posing as a journalist – reveal he and his followers infiltrated the January 6th Save America March in Washington, D.C.

SNIP: And they had plans for a Jan 17 ‘rally’.

21 Comments on Chat Logs Reveal Alleged Plan To Turn Trump Rally Into Violent Riot

  1. If I didn’t read it in the Washington Post or the NY Times, or hear it on CNN, MSDNC, or ABC, it’s right-wing fake news and I don’t believe it.

    Which is the problem, of course. The Lamestream media doesn’t even give their viewers a hint of any bad stuff from the left or good stuff from the right. And since they are the only news source for many, those people actually believe it. Hard to fault our liberal friends for their response when you realize they only hear one side of the discussion. Except, of course, that they should open their damn eyes and ears to reality.

  2. So what? We know what is going on. We know that any publicity will hold us in contempt and blame us for their actions. How do we counteract?
    Honestly, I do not have an answer. Whatever I say will probably agree with 45% of the US citizens (I use the word citizens specifically). How do we get a few percentage of the others to agree with us?

  3. When the conservative pundits say “violence is not our way” they are fooling themselves. The left will create FAKE conservative violence for use in the media to trick the numb-brained masses that the only solution is to disarm the populace.
    They just did it last week!!!
    Until you let that sink in you are truly fooling yourself.

  4. He’s cute, he’ll be highly sought after on the cell block. Some guys will kill each other just to be the one who gets him first.

    Happy trails little revolutionary!

  5. After the feds are done working him over and he turns on all the others he knows he’ll be entering the federal penitentiary as a rat. As soon as he’s released to the general population he’s as good as dead.

  6. Jethro,
    “When the conservative pundits say “violence is not our way” they are fooling themselves.”
    How do they think this country was founded? At a kumbyah “Tea Party”?

  7. @Euragone – we did. Unfortunately, We didn’t have enough of those in power to follow through.
    It is now our time. We have known that the deep state would not support us. It is time for us to do our job. Get rid of the fakers. Replace them with the Boeberts and the like. Do not settle for those who are in place that claim to be conservative. Support those who are, replace those who aren’t.

  8. Y’all know this “Black-Lives-Matter-And-Are-Sacred-Above-All-Other-Races-Especially-Evil-Whites” dude is going to walk right? He’s one of the Soros sponsored protected class.

  9. Start by contacting you reps. I let mine know how disgusted I was with their weakness in speaking up for our positions. They’ve e-mailed me back repeatedly. They do respond, well most do and they worry about your votes.

  10. Sen Rick Scott has contacted me a few times. The last one for a proposal he’s offering for voter ID, on the bottom was a request for donations. I responded by saying that I’m going to do things a little different this time. Get the bill passed and then I’ll donate to you again!

  11. @LCD – I DID read it in the NYT and heard Jake Fapper report on it yesterday. They said Sullivan was the leading instigator of the Capitol Building riot, and that the riot was planned prior to 1/20 so Trump played no part in inciting violence, and that the election was stolen and that Trump will be inaugurated as the 46th President five days from now.

    I am really enjoying living in this alternative universe. It makes me sleep better at night.

  12. Gin Blossom

    “…I responded by saying that I’m going to do things a little different this time. Get the bill passed and then I’ll donate to you again!…”

    That should be the response from EVERYONE. Well done.

  13. CCP operatives have train this little useful idiot well, but the repercussions for being a traitor won’t go well for him and his cohorts.
    Either the CCP will silence/disappear him or justice will prevail and he’ll be someone’s girlfriend in prison.

    This leftist staged protest Jan. 6th, isn’t going to result in a successful coupe – it’s over played. Even if leftist zombies don’t get it, patriots realize they are the targets of this subterfuge.

    What the left is not prepared for is God’s plan, which I trust to be removing Bejing Biden/Kamala Kameleon – however He decides to do it.
    It’s not over for President Trump. Don’t be surprised that in the next few months, he will be serving a consecutive 2nd term as president.

    Also, the left is in denial that the 2nd Amendment is honored by more patriots than the Deep State can imagine or handle.

    We who want to preserve our Republic aren’t helpless. The objectives of the left must be resisted no matter how overehelming it seems. The left can be blindsided.


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