Chattanooga Shooter Worked at Ohio Nuclear Plant in 2013 – IOTW Report

Chattanooga Shooter Worked at Ohio Nuclear Plant in 2013

Failed Background Check. 

chattanooga Abdulazeez

5 Comments on Chattanooga Shooter Worked at Ohio Nuclear Plant in 2013

  1. So, he failed a background check while in training at a nuclear plant, but that wasn’t enough to put him on a watchlist?

    I’m sure glad we can count on our government to keep us safe.

  2. A “guy” I “know” who works in “the biz” “told” me that recent NERC training continually focuses, more so than ever before, on electric grid restoration and how to identify cyber and physical attacks on the electric infrastructure.

    “He” told me that nuke plant security is pretty damned tight. It would be hard for anyone to initiate a nuclear disaster from within a nuke plant. Very hard.

    On the other hand, and the Muzloids know this, a planned, coordinated attack on just three or four key installations on the grid could de-energize large swaths of major US population centers for extremely long periods of time. The resultant chaos and loss of societal norms would be devastating.

    “He” told me that every time a glitch appears on the control system, he gets a cold sweat… is THIS the one? Is this when the lights go out?

    We are at war in our own land.

    No one in high office wants to admit that.

    Right, Boehner?

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