Check Out This High School Teacher’s Hilariously One-Sided AP Government Summer Reading List – IOTW Report

Check Out This High School Teacher’s Hilariously One-Sided AP Government Summer Reading List

DC: Administrators at a high school in Alabama have removed a teacher’s highly partisan summer reading list for his advanced-placement government and economics students.

The summer reading list, compiled by Spanish Fort High School teacher Gene Ponder, contains 31 books and tracts all — or virtually all — written by decidedly conservative and libertarian authors

There’s “Libertarianism in One Lesson,” an excellent essay by David Bergland, and Ronald Reagan’s “Abortion and the Conscience of a Nation” (which was published while he was president).

There’s also “End the Fed” by Ron Paul, “Guilty” by Ann Coulter and “God & Government” by Chuck Colson, President Richard Nixon’s “hatchet man” who later became an evangelical prison leader.

In addition, there are two books by conservative radio host Mark Levin including “Liberalism is a Mental Disorder” and no fewer than five books by Michael Savage, another conservative radio host.  read more

15 Comments on Check Out This High School Teacher’s Hilariously One-Sided AP Government Summer Reading List

  1. He might have got away with it had the list not been so long and he threw a few red herrings in there by liberals that were so badly written or out and out insane that the kids would have discarded progressive liberalism. Nice try although you have figure the board will be keeping an eye on him from now on.

  2. So, sounds very thoughtful. We could use more teachers of that caliber. For every teacher like him there are 5000 leftie indoctrinaters. He’s like the lone chinese man holding off battletanks.

  3. He forgot Single Issues by Joseph Sobran and Racism in the Nation’s Service: Government Workers and the Color Line in Woodrow Wilson’s America by Eric Yellen

  4. What about the basics? Even “advanced placement government and economic students” could use a Federalist Paper or two. And U.S. Constitution for Dummies or some Constitution study. How about a relevant biography of a historical figure. How about the true reason the Southern states withdrew from the Union (too much government, generally speaking). Then relate that to today’s government, maybe bringing in California’s desire to secede.

    Don’t get why everything has to be all modern material.

  5. So rather than poison young minds w radical conservative ideals, the school board canceled summer reading altogether. Good move. Ya know, label something taboo and kids will do the opposite.
    Purportedly, Generation Z will be the most conservative generation since WWII. May God make it so.

  6. My kid’s summer reading was all “Jimmy Has Two Dads” and “Julie is a Cutter”.
    I asked why no books on Washington, or Patton, or any real role model. All the teachers denied blame and said they’d like a better list too. Sure.

  7. The teacher was doing his best to impart wisdom on those young minds. He should be promoted to superintendent of the district, better yet head the state’s curriculum writing so that all may receive wisdom while in school.

  8. I take offense at the title. It’s hilariously one-sided? No. It’s awesome. There should not be any liberal writings on any list for students. Why put a hurdle in front of them?

    The headline alone tips you off it’s a retard giving you this opinion.

  9. The first three books of Ender’s Game. Then it’s 1984, A Brave New World,
    then add Do Robots Dream of Electronic Sheep, and chuck in Mein Kampf.

    That’s the first month reading course.

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