Check Your Privilege – IOTW Report

Check Your Privilege

A few days ago a university student penned an essay where he expressed his refusal to cave into white guilt.

“Check Your Privilege” is all the rage on university campuses these days. ( If you would like to engage in this exercise of self-criticism go here.)

Read examples of the leftist replies here


9 Comments on Check Your Privilege

  1. “the first United States Congress determined that to be a naturalized citizen of this country you have to be white — and that was valid until 1952,” she says. “So [Fortgang] doesn’t even understand that laws allowed his family to come here and become citizens, and that the fact that they were seen as white conferred upon them an unearned advantage, by virtue of law.”

    In other words, you didn’t build (white privilege) that. Jeebus, do these people not hear themselves talking themselves into a corner?

  2. I know I could sure as hell use a little white privilege. Once in college I had to load a scholarship program onto the computer lab computers. The director suggested I look through it and see if I could find something for myself. There were all kinds of scholarships. There were ones for minorities, foreign students, illegals and all sorts of unique offerings. Was their anything for a single, white, aging citizen male who was working his ass off at three low paying part time jobs? Zilch.

    You see this society looks at the white male as not needing any help. We didn’t get scholarships but they were more than happy to give us loans.

    There is no affirmative action for whites. So they can take this ‘white privilege’ BS and shove it. It’s another way of blaming a whole class of people for their own failures.

  3. You either have a neutral, unbiased, meritocratic society or you have discrimination. You can’t have it both ways.

    If racial or sexual or whatever discrimination is wrong, then it is as wrong to discriminate against white males as it is to discriminate against any member of the trendy special protected group du jour.

    I feel a backlash coming on; I hope the lefties are ready for it. I have a feeling they’re not going to like the fruits of their sowing.

  4. Just how many of these quack, fact-stacked, fako “privilege tests/quizzes” ARE there? (Not including the Guardian one, link above, which is a double-plus-ungood Newspeak parody.)

    All you have to do is read a few questions on any of them, and you know you’re already toast—privelege-wise, that is (these are from BuzzFeed’s version) “I am a man”—strike against you. “I am heterosexual”—strike against you. “I am white”—strike against you.

    The rate at which the brains are being sucked out of many people is astounding. And then, at the conclusion of that process, they are elected to public office.

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