Chelsea Clinton: Never funny to joke about killing a president – IOTW Report

Chelsea Clinton: Never funny to joke about killing a president

Dennis Michael Lynch: 

Earlier today, a vulgar photo of comedian Kathy Griffin holding a replica of President Trump’s severed head filled with blood went viral on social media.    The photograph sparked outrage with people from both sides of the aisle, including the daughter of former president, Bill Clinton.

Chelsea Clinton took to Twitter on Tuesday afternoon to voice her disgust over Griffin’s stupidity.  Clinton tweeted a link to the story about Griffin on political website,, and wrote the following: “This is vile and wrong. It is never funny to joke about killing a president.”


11 Comments on Chelsea Clinton: Never funny to joke about killing a president

  1. Chelsea Clinton, regardless of any faults she may possess, is a human being. Furthermore, she is the daughter of an ex-President. It does not take a great deal of imagination to realize that she can picture how she would have felt if a similar image had been released picturing her father’s head, much less if it had inspired some nut case to act on it. I find no fault in her condemnation. I would expect no less from my own daughter in a similar situation.

    Kathy Griffin is a media whore who, like Bill Maher, will stoop to any level to keep her “career” going, and heir “fans” entertained. At one time, she was borderline amusing when she ridiculed the Hollywood phonies with whom she so desperately wanted to be included.

    She should’ve stuck with that approach to comedy.

  2. Oh, please!

    Can’t you remember all the Hollyweird comix carrying around severed heads (pretend) of Obola, Clinton, Kennedy, Carter, Bush (actually there was one of the younger Bush), and other Bolshevik-leaning Presidunces?
    Can’t remember? No?

    Hmmm. Wonder why that is?

    izlamo delenda est …

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