Chelsea Clinton Slips: ‘President Sanders’ – IOTW Report

Chelsea Clinton Slips: ‘President Sanders’

A Freudian slip or secret desire?

chelsea clinton surprised

TruthRevolt: Chelsea Clinton was campaigning on behalf of her mother in Minnesota this week when she inadvertently slipped on mic giving the title of president to Democratic rival Bernie Sanders.

She quickly corrected herself, telling the gathered Hillary Clinton supporters, “I hope not President Sanders!”

Although much of the media focus landed on this simple Freudian slip (unless, of course, her true desires surfaced at that very moment), what she implied about Republicans deserves far more attention.  more

17 Comments on Chelsea Clinton Slips: ‘President Sanders’

  1. (This reply is to “Wildman”, above, since we seem to have lost the reply button entirely now):

    Are you suggesting that someone is missing their little human humidor these days?

    We won’t mention any names…(koff, koff,..Monica…koff, koff…),


  2. Fortunately, her powerful parents and the massive inheritance she’s due to receive makes up for her being incredibly stupid and ugly. There are literally 10s of millions of women in the US with more beauty and brains that this hound Chelsea, and they will never get anywhere in life because they weren’t lucky enough to be born to the sociopathic duo from hell, Bill & Hill.

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