Chelsea Clinton’s Husband to Close Greek Hedge Fund After Losing 90% of Value – IOTW Report

Chelsea Clinton’s Husband to Close Greek Hedge Fund After Losing 90% of Value

TWS: Chelsea Clinton’s husband is reportedly closing his Greek hedge fund. The news from Marc Mezvinsky comes after the fund is said to have lost 90 percent of its value.

us magazine
us magazine

“It was a hedge fund portfolio pitched by Hillary Clinton’s son-in-law, Marc Mezvinsky, as an opportunity to bet on a Greek economic revival,” the New York Times reports.

“Now, two years later, the Greece-focused fund is shutting down, after losing nearly 90 percent of its value, according to two investors with direct knowledge of the matter who spoke on the condition of anonymity.  Read more

20 Comments on Chelsea Clinton’s Husband to Close Greek Hedge Fund After Losing 90% of Value

  1. So… They’re the perfect millennial power couple… They got their high paying careers through their parents’ influence without actually having an iota of brains nor talent themselves. Sounds about right for the Ruling Class.

  2. Putz’s hedge fund may have dropped 90% in value but we have no way of knowing what happened to his own money during that time. I’d lay odds it went up, especially if Dead-Eye’s cattle futures guy is still around and knows what’s good for him.

  3. Lost 90% of its value to the Clinton Global Initiative.

    Money doesn’t just ‘disappear’ – it’s usually stolen and deemed “untraceable” by the corruption enablers and other assorted co-conspirators.

    I call BULLSHIT! This was some form of payola.

    Nobody’s THAT fucking dumb – and certainly not a Mezvinsky – that family’s been in the corruption business longer than the Clinton Cartel.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. I’m not a professional Hedge fund manager, but i think it would be wise to liquidate the fund when the losses were around 50%. Waiting until it’s 90% just shows he was playing X-box all day instead of watching the bank.

  5. Free Investment Advice – Never hand your money to a hedge fund manager that has a wife that says this:
    “I was curious if I could care about (money) on some fundamental level, and I couldn’t”

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