Cheney, Crybaby Kinzinger Back Nikki Haley, Donate to Campaign – IOTW Report

Cheney, Crybaby Kinzinger Back Nikki Haley, Donate to Campaign

And No One Is Surprised.

13 Comments on Cheney, Crybaby Kinzinger Back Nikki Haley, Donate to Campaign

  1. “Kinzinger announced on X that he donated $250 to Haley’s campaign even after she lost to former President Trump in the New Hampshire primary.”

    So: he’s a cheapskate AND stupid, donating a whopping $250 AFTER she lost.

  2. One would be hard pressed to find anyone more swamp rat than this bint. If she isn’t the epitome of Paul Ryan in drag, I’ll kiss your ass and give you an hour to assemble a crowd. A real nasty piece of work, that one.

  3. Why are these irrelevant idiots in the news? Oh, forgot: the “news” is just swamp propaganda. After all this time, the that realization is still painful to face. It always will be, because the damage done by the rats working in it is permanent.


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