Cherokee County, Georgia Sheriff speaks on massage parlor attacks the left 8 dead – IOTW Report

Cherokee County, Georgia Sheriff speaks on massage parlor attacks the left 8 dead

Reynolds said Long was asked directly about targeting Asians and he said he carried out the cowardly attack due to his sex addiction.

12 Comments on Cherokee County, Georgia Sheriff speaks on massage parlor attacks the left 8 dead

  1. By sex addiction, the killer must’ve meant he as obsessed with fucking himself, because that is definitely what he did by committing a crime like this and leaving himself alive afterward.

    Naturally, the democrats and other white haters are using this morons actions as a cudgel to pound working class white people with… as usual.

  2. The key to this is that they have zero desire to fix the problem, else they would look at where the actual hate is coming from. People are being murdered because of wokeness and the need to blame all on ‘white supremacists’. Which apparently are any Trump supporter (including blacks, latinos, women, gays,…)

  3. Around here, anytime I hear about the police doing undercover vice work and conducting raids on massage parlors it’s always only the Asian massage parlors they raid.

    That is an obvious confirmation that the police here are racist pigs.

  4. “Around here, anytime I hear about the police doing undercover vice work and conducting raids on massage parlors…”

    I’ve noticed these “investigations” seem to last quite a while. Long enough for ALL the guys on the vice squad to have a chance to ‘investigate’ every single suspect.


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