Cherokee genealogist calls BS on Elizabeth Warren’s story – IOTW Report

Cherokee genealogist calls BS on Elizabeth Warren’s story

FOX: Sen. Elizabeth Warren doubled down on her disputed story about a Native American heritage in a recent TV appearance, but an expert says her story just doesn’t add up.

Warren appeared on “Fox News Sunday,” where she was once again grilled about her long-standing claim to be Native American, and told a story about how her racist paternal grandparents objected to her parents’ wedding because of her mother’s Cherokee blood. The couple, she said, was forced into a Depression-era elopment.

“You know, my mom and dad were born and raised out in Oklahoma, and my daddy was in his teens when he fell in love with my mother,” said the Massachusetts Democrat. “She was a beautiful girl who played the piano. And he was head over heels in love with her and wanted to marry her. And his family was bitterly opposed to that because she was part Native American.”

As a result, “eventually my parents eloped,” Warren said.

But The Washington Times reported that Cherokee genealogist Twila Barnes wrote in a 2016 blog that the story doesn’t make sense. Barnes, who has researched Warren’s family and found no evidence of Native American ancestry, researched the marriage of Pauline Reed and Donald Herring and found it appeared to be an ordinary wedding.  more here

24 Comments on Cherokee genealogist calls BS on Elizabeth Warren’s story

  1. I got threatened with being suspended from a local hunting site because I refused to quit referring to her as Grey Beaver. I decided to suspend myself indefinitely and just quit that site all together.

  2. Isn’t is special how she threw her white grandparents under the bus to add credence to her bullshit story. What about her other, supposedly indian grandparents, did anybody think to research them? Census records are easily obtained.

  3. It has been rumored for years that my family has a bit of Cherokee blood. The story dates to the 1920s when my great-great grandma was ‘given’ land in Oklahoma by the tribe. She refused it and tried to hide any connection – because a law dating to the 1830s (I’m fuzzy on the details but my distant cousin knows the law) basically took everything away from people with any Indian blood. And the law was still on the books in the 1920s.
    The difference between me and Fauxcahontas is that I didn’t try to leverage my purported heritage into anything, nor am I afraid to find out whether or not I have any Cherokee DNA.
    Apparently some of our family members have done the DNA test but I hear that it doesn’t work well on the female lineage, which is the case with our family.

  4. @Tony R—it must be a demonrat thing. Remember Obama threw his white grandmother under the bus. Lesson learned—if you’re a white progressive, quit having children because your grandchildren will hate you.

  5. Supposedly Elizabeth Warren’s Cherokee grandfather was involved in a couple of historical firsts. He was the first Native American to become a trained electrician, after which he installed electric lighting in the tribal latrine.

    This made him the first Indian to wire a head for a reservation.

  6. Online genealogy sources I checked recently showed only people with European-style names. Some of these sources go back several or more generations. No She-who-hunts-at-WholeFoods or anything like that.
    Maiden name Herring like it says in article.
    I really wanted to find something but online I just don’t think it can be done. Sometimes Google searching leads into online local history books but so far nothing.

  7. My mother had a full blooded Cherokee for a good friend in the early 50’s.
    Betty Jean had dark hair, dark brown eyes and skin. She never mentioned high cheekbones. Phony squaw Buffalo Breathe is Fa-Toss lyre.

  8. Warren clearly has already taken a DNA test and knows she has zero Cherokee DNA in her. Her intransigence at publicly putting her claims to the truth shows she already knows the answer. Probably knew her entire adult life.

  9. Who fukkin cares?
    She’s a KNOWN liar! It isn’t like she’s some 30 y/o just making her way onto the national scene. She ALREADY got the dividends from the lie, years ago, with the phony teaching position and her “selection” to the Senate.
    No facts are going to convince any – ANY – of the imbeciles who worship her that she is anything other than pure, 100% Indian Noble Savage. These same people (fools) believe that bullshit Disney view of Indians as peaceful, nature-loving, bands of sissies who frolicked with Buffalo.

    You can’t help them. They are beyond help. They need to be shipped off to the “Reservation.”

    izlamo delenda est …


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