Chicago: 13 shot at memorial gathering for gunshot victim – IOTW Report

Chicago: 13 shot at memorial gathering for gunshot victim

Disrn: At least one shooter opened fire inside a Chicago memorial party being held in honor of a man who was shot to death in April. Thirteen people were wounded with four in critical condition.

Chicago police chief of patrol Fred Waller said a “dispute” occurred during the gathering, and gunfire erupted. read more

21 Comments on Chicago: 13 shot at memorial gathering for gunshot victim

  1. If only they had a black college to go to they wood have learnt that they wuzn’t in a gun free for all zone. What the hell is trump doing giving $250,000,000 to black colleges. He doesn’t need to be buying votes.

  2. This could become an endless loop. What will happen when they have a memorial for the victims who attended the memorial for the victim of an earlier shooting?

    I bet more shooting, then another memorial for the people of that memorial.

    And around and around we go. Where it stops, nobody knows.

  3. 8 years of Obama and he could not have at least tried harder to clean up that city with a concentrated effort of state, city, and federal co-ordination.

    Nope. He sided against cops!

  4. @Brown Eyed Girl December 22, 2019 at 3:26 pm

    > I thought they had the strictest gun control laws in the country there?

    They’ve got pretty strict nuclear weapons restrictions, as well.

  5. just because it’s almost Christmas doesn’t mean the shooting need to slow down.

    record keepers are record breakers and Chicago is a contender for most shooting for the decade. way to finish out strong.

    Detroit, Baltimore are you going to let that stand with no response?


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