Chicago: 51 homicides in January – IOTW Report

Chicago: 51 homicides in January

TrueCrimeToday: CHICAGO — The nation’s third largest city recorded 51 homicides in January, the highest toll for the month since 2000.

chicago pd car

Gang conflicts and retaliatory violence drove the “unacceptable” increase in homicides, the police department said in a statement. 

But the rise in violence also notably comes as the Chicago Police Department faces increased scrutiny following the court-ordered release of a police video showing a white police officer fatally shooting a black teenager 16 times, and as the department implements changes in how it monitors street stops by officers.  more

18 Comments on Chicago: 51 homicides in January

  1. “Gang conflicts and retaliatory violence drove the “unacceptable” increase in homicides”

    HA! Don’t even pretend that 99.9% of the violence isn’t gang or retaliatory violence. That’s the problem.

  2. Eh, the real number is 53 shot, but I imagine they didn’t bother counting the 2 token crackers shot during the month.

    57 Total homicides (with other things plus guns).

  3. What do they attribute the increase in deaths to? Better training? More practice? Whatever it is, keep up the good work, thugs. Make Obama’s last year in office a record homicide year.

  4. This is clearly impossible. Chicago is a giant Gun Free Zone. Therefore it is impossible for these things to have happened in Chicago. There are no guns there.

    These dead people probably died from the euphoria they must have been experiencing in a perfect Democrat-run Utopia. There is no other plausible explanation.

    I am a bit surprised the police/ME’s office haven’t been ordered to falsify the causes of death – because racism, or whatever.

  5. Mass slaughter today in Shitcago in a single incident of mass murder. SIX people.found stabbed to death in Gage Park area house. Including 11 year old child…

    No gun appaently used, no white boy involved, no cop involved, no problem… No “BREAKING NEWS” !!!! alerts and no 24/7 coverage and no odinga news briefing.

    Just more dead worthless negros i suppose. Nothing worth getting revved up about. No angle to.exploit. just dead ghetto cattle.

  6. It’s a BLACK problem-remove black crime from statistics and our crime rate resembles most other WHITE countries, that is it’s very low.

    50 deaths a month is a good start but their replacement rate is much higher. As long as blacks are in this society with whites maintaining this suicidal PC attitude, it’s only going to get worse.

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