Chicago Alone Accounts For 10 Percent Of Mass Shootings In The US – IOTW Report

Chicago Alone Accounts For 10 Percent Of Mass Shootings In The US

Chicago, on average, represented about 11 percent of total mass shootings in the country each month. The city, racked by gang violence, sees about three mass shootings per month, according to the data.

Chicago Alone Accounts For 10 Percent Of Mass Shootings In The US

18 Comments on Chicago Alone Accounts For 10 Percent Of Mass Shootings In The US

  1. Democrat, High taxes, corruption, nepotism, patronage, welfare & public housing king, rape, murder, burglaries and racism…..
    That is Chicago, Illinois, what’s not to like?

  2. Chicago is whutcha call a discount Black market plantation.
    Black lives be berry, berry cheap dere and democRATs wanna keep it that way!
    Every election cycle it’s: “Here’s yer Hope & Change baaybeeee!”
    Then it’s back to mo drugged out, rat-infested, shot-up, run-down, poverty-stricken, Groundhog days, everyday until a nuther democRAT get’s on his soapbox and sez: Hope & Change baaybeeee!
    Yeah…. bend over! Here comes yer screamin democRAT Hope & Change bullshit Baaybeeee!

  3. I lived in the west Loop in Chicago for 18 months. It was a 5 minute ride on the eL to get to work. Honestly, it was enjoyable to a point. Everything you want to entertain yourself with is within a 15 minute cab or L ride. But I got tired of the drunk bums and concrete everywhere. As soon as I saved up enough for a house and paid off student loans I was outta there. 18 months, it didn’t take long. The far west and south side is what you want to avoid. I’ve driven thru these neighborhoods and live to tell about it. Including bailing friends out of Cook county prison. It’s really frightening in many spots and no where you want to be. Some parts of the city are safer than just outside the city in easy access suburbs.

    When you say Illinois is a shithole, all you need to do is wall off Cook county and East St. Louis and the state is actually decent. When you say Chicago is a shithole, all you need to do is wall off the West and the SouthSide and you’ve got a pretty decent city, other than the democrats running the place – It’s decent to visit, not to live.

    I haven’t been there in at least 5 years and it’s only 20 miles down the road before I hit city limits. My wife goes there 2 times a week for work.

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