Chicago: Armed carjacking victim refuses to press charges — “they probably need a car” – IOTW Report

Chicago: Armed carjacking victim refuses to press charges — “they probably need a car”

They probably need a wallet, jewelry, electronics, and somewhere to live, too. Why didn’t he give them those as well?

CWB: A man who was carjacked at gunpoint while he shoveled out a parking space in West Town on Tuesday night is refusing to press charges in the case, according to Chicago police.

The victim “felt sorry for them” and felt that the four people Chicago police found riding around in his freshly-hijacked Lexus have had a rough life, according to a source.

He also reportedly told investigators that the hijackers probably just needed a car. more

19 Comments on Chicago: Armed carjacking victim refuses to press charges — “they probably need a car”

  1. The re-education is working. Brains are being washed and scrubbed clean of any self-respect. In just a few years, we’ll be living like the Eloi in THE TIME MACHINE.

    Forget “post-Constitution”…hello “post-human” America.

  2. Yea, but just try glancing at “them” the wrong way and you’ll be labeled a white supremacist, your social score will be depleted on national TV, all your social media accounts deleted, and your Lexus will be impounded since your bank won’t let you make payments.

  3. My leftie, millennial, wealthy, commodities trading algorithm-writing nephew and his wife are moving out of their plush downtown Chicago condo because of “covid”. Sure…”covid”.

  4. How about a more plausible explanation – The feral animals who carjacked his car were gangbangers and the victim received either a call or a visit from fellow gang members with the following message: Mofo’ you press charges and we gonna put a cap in yo ass and yo kids.

    Message received – He won’t press charges

    What is it like 75% of black children don’t have fathers? A communist death democrat legacy of feral animals raised on the welfare system in Ghettos. This is Child abuse by the democrat communists at a national level.

    Anyone else sick of all the commercials that are over populated by black actors and actresses acting all civilized and portraying an image that they are just like the rest of the country. Not reality. Black Americans comprise at most 13% of the population. Keep in mind that 75% of black children are raised without a father. The end product of the Welfare/Ghetto System is violence by these kids. What a terrible tragedy and waste but still no excuse for the crimes they commit.

    Free America.

  5. And I got this email from my kids’ daycare today:

    IMPORTANT-Please use parking lot door this morning

    There is a homeless person camped out on 9th St. and I do not have the heart to wake them up and make them leave.
    I will eventually but for now, please use the door from the parking lot.

    Thank you-

  6. LocoBlancoSaltine FEBRUARY 4, 2021 AT 11:05 PM

    The “poor oppressed” were likely wearing 300 dollar shoes, Gucci belts, 24kt gold chains, and had weekly unemployment checks and food stamps.

    Yeah, Last time I was hit up for some “gas money to get back home”, I wasn’t too sympathetic to his plight once I saw he had more money in his gold teeth than I did in my pockets.

    Nah, bro. Don’t carry cash. Just like I have no lighter for you and no watch to tell you the time.


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