Chicago – As Frigid As Antarctica? – IOTW Report

Chicago – As Frigid As Antarctica?


Potentially record-breaking temperatures are headed towards large swaths of the Midwest this week, bringing bitterly cold conditions that government weather services warn could be life-threatening — and even more frigid than some of the planet’s arctic regions.

Minneapolis Public Schools officials have canceled classes through Wednesday, when the region is expected to experience frigidly low temperatures not seen in a quarter century. Chicago Public Schools have also called off classes on Wednesday because of the anticipated cold snap.

“You’re talking about frostbite and hypothermia issues very quickly, like in a matter of minutes, maybe seconds,” said Brian Hurley, a meteorologist with the Weather Prediction Center.

Subzero temperatures will begin Tuesday, but Wednesday is expected to be the worst. Wind chills in northern Illinois could fall to negative 55 degrees, which the National Weather Service called “possibly life-threatening.” Minnesota temperatures could hit minus 30 degrees with a wind chill of negative 60.


16 Comments on Chicago – As Frigid As Antarctica?

  1. Nah, Al. They just call it “extreme weather.” Frigid cold doesn’t mean anything about global warming to progs. AGW is a belief, not a fact.

    I just hope it freezes some crime out of the system for a little while. ….Lady in Red

  2. School was called off yesterday because we got 3 inches of snow, in Chicago. It’s going to be closed tomorrow because of cold.

    It’s winter in winter, who would have guessed?

    What we need around here is more cold & snow since every single year everyone fucks off knowing anything about winter in January. Buy a calendar with pictures if the month doesn’t convey a strong enough message.

  3. LIR –

    ** freezes some crime out of the system **

    Oh, it does. In 77, my buddy and I drove the slums (Cabrini Green, Halstead, etc.) to see just what they were like. Places no white boys or cops dared to go during warmer days. The ‘residents’ normally outside were non-existant.

    Interesting times…

  4. “I just hope it freezes some crime out of the system for a little while. ….Lady in Red”

    It will. You can track the drop in shootings as a corollary to temperature on Hey Jackass (website).

  5. On January 7th, 1977, the temperature in Omaha reached -25F and with the high winds that Nebraska is known for, the wind chill was -65F. It remained far below freezing for eleven days and the Missouri River froze over solid. I went to work that day for the USAF and all through the cold weather as did everyone else. The locals didn’t think it was all that unusual as it was winter in Nebraska and some years are colder than other. In the early part of the 1900’s, my great grandparents moved from Wisconsin to Louisiana to become rice farmers because they got sick of the cold weather. But, I encourage all Yankees to stay put.

  6. O.K…..if I’m reading all the comments correctly, it’s winter. Right?

    Also, if its 60 below in America, it’s got to be like, 150 below in Canada. Which will freeze all living things to death, leaving us millions of acres of natural resources.

    Sooooo… hooray for us?

  7. The latest crime here in Chicago is stealing Canada Goose coats off the backs of hipsters on their way to work. That could be deadly in the next couple of days. Glad I wear a no logo, cheap-ass Land’s End wrap.

  8. Weather that cold added to the “Windy City” will no doubt cut the crime and murder rate for as long as it lasts. However, expect a surge when the urban tribes get to go outside without fear of their AK’s freezing up.
    As far as Chicago in generals goes it has to be the most bent city in the US, maybe the whole of the western world. From the Mayor down through the entire city council to cops, sanitation workers, city employees, inspectors, the whole crooked lot are on the take in one way, shape, form or another. Expect your construction costs to be among the highest in the land and not because of stupid rules like in California but because of the bribes and kickbacks you’d have to endure. The same is for trying to open a business. The votes are locked in Democrat however I’m not sure the situation on the ground would change much if Republicans started to get elected. It’s just a cesspool that has been institutionalized. Ok, rant off. By the by, I’ve been to Chicago a couple of times and never been harmed or cheated (at least that I’m aware of) it’s just that I see such a great waste of a great city that nobody tries to fix.

  9. @Hambone – At just about the exact same date (can’t remember the exact date) in ’77, it snowed in Miami Fl. I was waiting for a Navy bus (lived off base att) to go to our site in Homestead and it was 28 deg.
    The locals freaked out.
    Those 2 winters were brutal in the eastern U.S. Time magazine had a cover about the “New Ice Age”.

  10. In 1999 Illinois recorded its lowest temperature at -36 in Congerville. The low for this “vortex” is going to be -24.

    I don’t see the issue other than a sensational hoax.

    It’s fookin’ cold.


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