Chicago averages 10 shootings a day – IOTW Report

Chicago averages 10 shootings a day

WGN9: CHICAGO — New statistics out Friday show there is an average of 10 shootings in Chicago a day.

There were 355 shootings and 429 shooting victims in June.

There were also 72 murders last month, up from 46 in June of 2015.

At the halfway point for the year, homicides citywide have jumped 49 percent, hitting levels unseen since the late 1990s.  more

7 Comments on Chicago averages 10 shootings a day

  1. The Democratic mafia can’t control shooting, murder and crime.

    John DiFronzo, Joe Lombardo Sr., Angelo LaPietra, John DiFronzo , Joe Lombardo Sr., and Angelo LaPietra did a much better job of controlling crime.

  2. I’m not the be3st mathematician, but those statistics tell me that they are self exterminating and the ghetto population will drastically reduce within 5 years. The future is looking bright IMHO in Chitcago.

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