Chicago Board of Education Votes Unanimously to Remove Resource Officers from City Schools – IOTW Report

Chicago Board of Education Votes Unanimously to Remove Resource Officers from City Schools

But how will they protect the 32 gendered trans teens who identify as cats and need tampons?

12 Comments on Chicago Board of Education Votes Unanimously to Remove Resource Officers from City Schools

  1. I am more and more confident and confident that this whole crazy thing with transgenderism, which is imposed by the “democrats”, “leftists”, is deliberately created so blatant and deliberately imposed so absurdly by the mass media, which therefore supposedly causes the (intentional) corresponding excited reaction from the “conservative” media. And if someone comes, Donald the Father of the vaccine, or another, and restricts/stops transgenderism, emigration and some other noisy trends, but imposes everything else from Agenda 2030, people will embrace it. “For the future!”, you know..

    And the first (phygital) Games of the Future began in Kazan a few days ago. A little more (+some interesting connections that are actually nowhere to be found on the English-language internet).
    “For the kids”

  2. See how long this will last.

    The money will be shifted into “programs” and the “schools” will have a more “holistic” approach to student safety.

    Uh huh … I smell bullshit!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. “…getting what they voted for.” I’m tired of hearing that tired old claptrap. The vast majority of the voters did not ask for any of this. But it seems our “free and fair elections” always manage to find a way to put the worst of the worst in positions of power. We are not going to “vote” our way out of this.

  4. The tragedy is for that very small minority of people who are not part of the insanity and would escape if they could. If you’re born into that morass how much of a chance to get out?

    In a very short period of time you’re indoctrinated or molded into being part of the problem. Perhaps fifty or more years ago they had a chance to get out. Stop and consider what of today’s insanity would our parents believe could take place.

    Thanks LBJ!
    (and all the turds that followed)

  5. But…but…who’s going to protect the tampon dispensers in the boy’s bathroom from being torn off the wall and dumped into the toilet?


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