Chicago City Council to vet deal today leasing 19.3 acres of lakefront park land for Obama Presidential Center for 10 cents a year for 99 years – IOTW Report

Chicago City Council to vet deal today leasing 19.3 acres of lakefront park land for Obama Presidential Center for 10 cents a year for 99 years

American Thinker: The rush to build a personal monument to Barack Obama in Chicago hit a snag Monday, as the clearing of trees from a Chicago park to facilitate construction was halted.

Lynn Sweet of the Chicago Sun-Times reported:

The city and Chicago Park District on Monday announced a halt to Obama Presidential Center-related construction in Jackson Park after moving ahead while crucial federal reviews of the project were still ongoing.

The Chicago Sun-Times reported in August that the park district was cutting down trees in Jackson Park despite a federal lawsuit, city and federal approvals pending, and a pledge from the Obama Foundation CEO to keep trees intact until the permitting process is complete.

Translation: The trees were being cut down in defiance of lawful permitting requirements, which apparently were felt to be for little people, not for the exalted ex-president.  The land being cleared of trees is supposed to be used to replace a track field in lakefront Jackson Park on land where the Obama Foundation wants to build the Obama monument.  more here

12 Comments on Chicago City Council to vet deal today leasing 19.3 acres of lakefront park land for Obama Presidential Center for 10 cents a year for 99 years

  1. Just as long as they call it Daley Plaza 2, or the Rahm Hole, @PM, your right! Nah, shut it down. If not reserve the right to tear it down once it’s determined, the first illegally elected non-US citizen was elected POTUS.

  2. Grifters just gotta grift! You and I would never ever be allowed to get such a sweetheart deal. barry just needs to go away, preferably to some turd world shithole like Kenya, Indonesia, Venezuela, Cuba etc. any place that will take him and permanently revoke his passport so he can never reenter America.

  3. “Can we make it a mausoleum instead?? And fill it right away??”

    It will need its own police precinct, for sure. With the recording studio and basketball courts, they’d better double up on the chalk supply, too.

  4. This over-priced complex is privately owned and privately operated center for socialist community organizing,

    The corrupt socialists State of Illinois has committed $244 Million of taxpayer dollars to the socialist scheme.
    The corrupt socialist City of Chicago will give 20 Acres of Prime Chicago real estate for the project, tax abatement, and other benefits unavailable to its citizens.

    Build a monument, rewrite history to expunge Obama’s failed policies and the damage he caused to the US.
    Let the taxpayers pay for the monument, the future chaos and destruction the obama center will create
    This is the epitome of socialism.
    All hail obama, Socialism, Diversity and equality for all (except for the corrupt socialist elite).

  5. This monument to stupidity should be built in Kenya of mud and straw and filled with Obamas college transcripts, original birth certificate, 10 packs of rolling papers, a replica of a Chicago bathhouse, a selection of Moosechelle’s boob belts, Valarie Jarrett’s balls, a complete copy of the affordable care act printed on toilet paper and Obama’s baath party card.


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