Chicago: Cook County Christmas shopping, Kim Foxx style – IOTW Report

Chicago: Cook County Christmas shopping, Kim Foxx style

American Thinker: When state’s attorney Kim Foxx announced no prosecution for shoplifting under a thousand dollars, the results were fully predictable.  Chicago and Cook County, Illinois are leading the headlong American rush toward lawlessness and the loss of civil order.  The election of Kim Foxx as Cook County state’s attorney, with hundreds of thousands of dollars in backing by George Soros, has been a further disaster — with not just the scandalously lenient treatment of Jussie Smollett after convulsing Chicago and the entire country with a fake hate crime caper, but the virtual abolition of laws against felony shoplifting under one thousand dollars:

A month into her term, Foxx announced her office would stop prosecuting shoplifting as a felony if the stolen goods were worth less than $1,000, a threshold three times higher than under the current state law.

The results are absolutely predictable:

12 Comments on Chicago: Cook County Christmas shopping, Kim Foxx style

  1. Vigilantism is a concept that demands that when the individual surrenders a monopoly on dispensing justice to the state that the state must fulfill its part of the bargain. When the state does not even make a good faith effort to protect the interests of the victims then it naturally follows that the state monopoly on dispensing justice has no legitimacy.

    It would be ludicrous to charge any shop owner with vigilantism in Chicago when the state is denying them recourse to justice under the state monopoly. They have a right to justice.

    These people are not suited for leadership rolls in a civilized society.

  2. Gee, I wonder how the socially woke policy makers of corporations feel about her invitation to thieves helping themselves to their merchandise, with no recourse to prosecute the perps?

    They’re probably on board, ergo they’re too scared to speak out against the WOC who’s protecting her POC.

    Oh well, like all other theft that goes unpunished be it insurance fraud, cc fraud etc., the rest of us honest tax paying citizens, we reap the rewards in higher costs.


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