Chicago: CPD claims violent crime is down 3% this year (it’s actually UP 13%) – IOTW Report

Chicago: CPD claims violent crime is down 3% this year (it’s actually UP 13%)

CWB: For the second month in a row, the Chicago Police Department issued a press release Sunday that claims violent crime is down 3% in the city this year. It’s not.

“Chicago’s overall violent crime, which includes murders, robberies, burglaries, thefts, and motor vehicle thefts, fell by 3% compared to the same time last year,” said the PR piece, released minutes after midnight on March 1.

That’s nearly identical language to the statement released by police minutes after midnight on Feb. 1: “Overall violent crime, which includes murders, robberies, burglaries, thefts, and motor vehicle thefts, fell by 3% in January, compared to January 2019.”

But there’s a problem: Violent crime in Chicago is actually up 13% this year. more

8 Comments on Chicago: CPD claims violent crime is down 3% this year (it’s actually UP 13%)

  1. Crime statistics are easily manipulated, as this story demonstrates. If a police department makes fewer arrests, does that mean crime has decreased, or that cops aren’t doing their jobs as well? In some neighborhoods, people don’t report crimes because being a snitch can cost you your life.


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