Chicago Cubs Owner Shuts Down DNAinfo and Gothamist, After NY Staff Vote to Unionize – IOTW Report

Chicago Cubs Owner Shuts Down DNAinfo and Gothamist, After NY Staff Vote to Unionize

Breitbart: Chicago Cubs Owner Joe Ricketts made a strong statement against unions this month by shutting down two independent news websites he owns, after employees a the Gothamist voted to unionize.

The two websites, DNAinfo and Gothamist, had been under threat of unionization for some time, and recently the workers at Gothamist had actually voted to join a union. But as the owner of the two sites, Ricketts had previously warned employees that he would shut the sites down if they voted to unionize.

Ricketts even penned a recent article on his personal blog to explain why he opposes unions. Ricketts wrote, “unions promote a corrosive us-against-them dynamic that destroys the esprit de corps businesses need to succeed.”

Indeed, in a recent article in The New York Times a spokesperson for DNAinfo said, “The decision by the editorial team to unionize is simply another competitive obstacle making it harder for the business to be financially successful.”

Still, the official reason for shutting the sites down was that they were not profitable.

In a statement on the shutdown, Ricketts said that the decision came down to economics:

DNAinfo is, at the end of the day, a business, and businesses need to be economically successful if they are to endure,” the statement said. “And while we made important progress toward building DNAinfo into a successful business, in the end, that progress hasn’t been sufficient to support the tremendous effort and expense needed to produce the type of journalism on which the company was founded.


13 Comments on Chicago Cubs Owner Shuts Down DNAinfo and Gothamist, After NY Staff Vote to Unionize

  1. we need more owners like Mr. Ricketts with sufficient intestinal fortitude to tell unions to go to hell. There may well have been a day when unions were necessary but that day is long gone. Now days they are simply leeches draining monies from union members and consumers alike.

  2. I can think of fewer things that would piss me off more than to be compelled to pay dues to a union, knowing that those dues were being sent to political parties and causes that I despise.

  3. Screw em. I went to the Gothamist website and found a bunch of stories written by smug, seemingly anti-conservative authors. Hope they have fun finding another job. If Ricketts financed these two journals I would wonder about his capitalist credentials.

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