Chicago Democrat running for Congress as pro-life, pro-police – IOTW Report

Chicago Democrat running for Congress as pro-life, pro-police


A Chicago congressional candidate is running as a pro-life and pro-law enforcement Democrat.

Chris Butler, pastor at the Chicago Embassy Church Network, is among a crowded field of candidates seeking the House seat currently held by Rep. Bobby Rush, a former Black Panther.

Butler said his pro-life stance has become an integral part of the primary election.

“It’s unfortunate to me that this has become one of the major issues in this campaign, because I don’t think that it should be a left/right issue. I think that it should be a right/wrong kind of discussion,” he said on the “Just the News Not Noise” television program.

“Unfortunately, it has become hyper-partisan, which I think is is one of the worst things that can happen for the conversation.”

Butler, who has appeared on former Arkansas GOP Gov. Mike Huckabee’s TV show, said he wants to see more government officials reach out to the other side. more

8 Comments on Chicago Democrat running for Congress as pro-life, pro-police

  1. Nope. A dimocrat is still a dimocrat and he will vote strictly along party lines. We’ve seen that already. Just a new angle hoping to get a few votes.

  2. Don’t believe him. Don’t trust him. He’s a democrat, which means he’s a lying piece of shit. That asshole Adams in NYC was supposedly “pro-police” too. It’s bullshit.

  3. “Unfortunately, it has become hyper-partisan, which I think is is one of the worst things that can happen for the conversation.”

    Really? Unfortunate? Unlucky – what’s luck got to do with it? Politics is agenda-driven, not luck-driven. Hyper-partisan? Is that because someone actually believes in something? And what “conversation” is this, exactly? The narrative of the nihilistic totalitarians who are working relentlessly to destroy America and what’s left of Western civilization? The lies told incessantly by the media? The lies spewn from the mouth of every maggot in office?

    One cannot call oneself a Demonrat unless one wholeheartedly supports the murder of the innocent, perversion, chaos, national dissolution, and Satanism.

    Yep – he’s another one.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

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