Chicago deploying 1,000 extra officers over weekend to deter looting – IOTW Report

Chicago deploying 1,000 extra officers over weekend to deter looting


The City of Chicago is deploying an additional 1,000 officers this weekend to crack down on looting after businesses were ravaged over the week.

Chicago Police Department (CPD) Supt. David Brown announced the additional backup after damage to businesses resulted in more than 100 arrests in the past week.

“This is our town; it doesn’t belong to the criminals,” Brown emphasized. He said CPD would extend officers’ hours and cancel days off.

“Don’t let these criminals run you out of this beautiful city,” Brown said, adding, “Our department, our police officers will risk their lives to protect you. Not in our town. Not in our city.

Brown warned that officers would use every method possible to stop looting. more

15 Comments on Chicago deploying 1,000 extra officers over weekend to deter looting

  1. “Brown warned that officers would use every method possible to stop looting.”

    …except for methods that actually WORK, like clubbing, shooting, or even just arrestind, prosecuting, and actually JAILING them for a long time, cause dat be raycuss…

    ..but sure, to the extent a stern talking-to, closing beaches, disarming law-abiding citizens will help, yeah, that’s what they’ll DO…

  2. There was a live press conference with Hispanic young people afterwards where all they did was whine about Chicago Police using pepper spray, hitting them with batons, holding them back, in other words…doing their jobs! FINALLY Lightfoot let CPD do what TAXPAYERS pay for.

  3. Thirdtwin AUGUST 17, 2020 AT 8:44 AM
    “That’s a lot of extra cops. Where did they suddenly come from?”

    …community South of me wanted to police Black people with Black people becuase it was a Black community, and dropped the standards to get enough Black people to be police officers to the point where they were hiring felons.

    This led police officers who were stealing as well as Black people, in this case justly, complaining that the felon Police officers were beating them, running illegal scams, and generally acting like uniformed thugs, so much so that they couldn’t find anyone to insure their Police department and had to disband it and contract with the County Sherriff for policing. This didn’t make Black people like the cops any more, but any time police brutality comes up they conveniently leave out the fact that it only happened becuase of Social Justice and Unconstituional hiring practices pushed by Democrats.

    Probably did the same thing in ChiCongo to get THESE guys. Police brutality be rayciss but leaving out the color of the officer being brutal in 3…2…1…

  4. GOOD thing Chitcago outlawed private firearms ownership in 1982!!!

    IMAGINE how terrible it would be, if the law-abiding citizenry were fighting BACK against the criminals (ASIDE from the ELECTED criminals)! 🤔

  5. Bob M. AUGUST 17, 2020 AT 9:10 AM
    “…IMAGINE how terrible it would be, if the law-abiding citizenry were fighting BACK against the criminals (ASIDE from the ELECTED criminals)!”

    …actually, the ELECTED criminals are the ones the Second Amendments was REALLY designed to deal with, that’s WHY they’re so ardent about taking the guns, becuase they PLAN to do stuff they DESERVE to be shot for…

  6. Zonga AUGUST 17, 2020 AT 10:09 AM
    “SNS and anybody:

    Why capitalize the b in black people? It’s a color not a race.”

    …it’s just a general writing convention that predates our Democrat-ruined PC times to capitalize the word for a color when it is descriptive of a race. I will captalize White when describing White people as well.

    Some of the PC outlets (bascially the entire MSM) will capitalize “Black” and not “White” when describing races, to highlight the importance of Black people in their warped worldview and backhand White people every chance they get, but I have not inculcated that, nor will I, as the ONLY purpose of that is to degrade one skin color in favor of another. To me, you capitalize all, or none.

    That said, I am a product of my times, and this is what I leared to do a long time ago, both as training and in everything I read growing up, including books that are decades older than I am. This was further ingraned when I was writing Squad reports, as it did help in clarity when generating legal/medical documents because the “Race” box was ALWAYS capitalized (it was the only word in it) and also to help differentiate when a Black guy had a black eye or a White guy had white vomitus, It makes sense to me to do so, or I wouldn’t do it just to make it clear it’s a race we’re talking about as the labels aren’t really descriptive of the skin colors anyway as a shorthand so everyone knows I’m talking about a person/a people and not an object, but opinions do vary…

  7. Zonga
    AUGUST 17, 2020 AT 10:32 AM
    “Thanks SNS.
    Do you capitalize any other people colors?”

    …it gets a bit dicier as you go through the spectrum as some decriptives get even less descriptive and more likely to be insulting. I would, for example, use “Brown” in casual writing as a shorthand descriptive for Meso and South Americans as it has fallen into common (if not necessarily correct) usage in general writing and would capitalize it if I did, but it wouldn’t be useful as a legal descriptive as it doesn’t impart accurate or useful information. Again going back to documents that are going to be shared for emergency purposes, “Black” was a shorthand that quickly conveyed things that may need to be considered that ARE race-specific, such as sickle cell anemia or a higher propensity to have heart problems (I suppose they use “African American” now, but back in the day Black was the consensus label). “Brown” conveys nothing as significant and is not useful as a Hispanic can be anywhere from lilly White to coal Black in actual appearance, so I would use “Hispanic” to convey they may need assistance with translation for consent purposes, at least with a conscious patient.

    I would NOT use “Yellow” for Asians, however, because that’s generally taken as insulting and not very descriptive, at least to my round eyes. I worked many years in a mom-and-pop Formosan restaurant, saw their kids grow up, got along with the cooks they brought from the Old Country, and never saw one that I would describe as visually “Yellow”. For reporting purposes, “Asian” was generally sufficient, as it did NOT include “Muslim” at the time as there were not many and Democrats weren’t trying to confuse us about them yet.

    “Red” is not something I’d use either, again, I don’t see it. Not a fan of “Native American” as I consider myself by definition be be a native of America since I was BORN here which is what the definition is, but it’s probably the legal decriptor I would have used if it ever came up. I have family in TN across the line from Cherokee, NC, so we go inside the Qualla Boundary on a fairly regular basis (Do NOT miss the River’s Edge motel in Cherokee, it’s great!), but the Cherokee themselves seem resigned to, if not happy with, tourists calling them “Indians”, although they seem to prefer “Cherokee” to “Native American” too, if you have to call them as a group. I did once apparenly offend a young Cherokee man working in a restaurant by ordering a “Big Cheif” burger by that name ’cause that’s what the MENU said, but that’s a different story for another day…

    …we have a full raft of H1B “Dot” Indians in technical positions where I work, and they don’t want to be called anything BUT Indians, althogh since they’re colleauges, you should probably use their NAMES. “HEY! INDIAN CHICK!” REALLY isn’t going to do much for your current and future employability, jusy sayin…

    …we could contine this trip around the world, but at the end of the day, this is just one man’s experience-based opinion, somewhat dated, as am I. Take it or leave it as you will…


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