Chicago Doesn’t Count – IOTW Report

Chicago Doesn’t Count

The Mass Shooting You Didn’t (and Won’t) Hear Anything About.

6 Comments on Chicago Doesn’t Count

  1. Progressives can never admit when they are wrong, lest they no longer be “progressive”. If their ideas fail, it’s never because their ideas were bad, but because their ideas were never fully implemented.

    If they have it in their mind that kerosene can extinguish a fire, they will blame the now raging fire on there not being enough kerosene poured out on it.

  2. Posted by tRuth.
    The Texas freedom to carry guns has just saved lives at a church on Sunday morning. Note the location was definitely picked for likely racist propaganda. In Chicago only criminals have guns, Blacks have complete freedom to shoot each other there.

    2 dead including suspect in shooting at Texas church
    Good Morning America December 29, 2019, 2:12 PM PST

    “The church service was going on when the gunman appeared to stand up and confront an usher, according to the livestream video.

    The footage shows the gunman wearing a long coat taking a step back before pulling what appeared to be a shotgun from his coat and firing point-blank on the usher and another member of the congregation. A security guard standing near the front door of the church returned fire, hitting the suspect, according to the video.

    White Settlement Police Chief J.P. Bevering said at a news conference Sunday afternoon that an armed parishioner also fired at the suspect, hitting him.

    “The suspect is deceased, and the threat has stopped thanks to the heroic action of those two parishioners at the church,” Bevering said.”–abc-news-topstories.html


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