Chicago Had 53 Legislative Candidates That Ran Unopposed In 2020. That’s Ridiculous. – IOTW Report

Chicago Had 53 Legislative Candidates That Ran Unopposed In 2020. That’s Ridiculous.


As if there weren’t already too many examples demonstrating how badly the Republican Party has fallen short when it comes to outreach to the black community, the city of Chicago provides yet another one. Every week, conservatives put out the latest in Chicago’s homicide statistics. When a black person brings up police brutality, Republicans dismiss their concerns and respond with, “but what about black-on-black crime in Chicago?” 

And yet, when it comes to competing for black votes in cities like Chicago, Los Angeles, Baltimore, and Washington, D.C., the GOP is typically nowhere to be found. The Chicago Sun-Times reported that during the 2020 election season, 53 candidates for state legislature ran unopposed. Care to guess what all 53 of these individuals have in common? 

You guessed it! They’re all Democrats. Every single one of them. I checked. Don’t judge me. Now that I’m in Twitter jail, I don’t have a life outside of writing for you, dear reader.  read more

7 Comments on Chicago Had 53 Legislative Candidates That Ran Unopposed In 2020. That’s Ridiculous.

  1. “Corruption” is what keeps the Chicago Machine running. Without it the entire city would grind to a halt. I’m not saying that is good, it just is what it is. Everyone from the dog catcher to the mayor is on the take. Everyone.

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