Chicago: Illegal alien runs down lefty ‘bike safety’ activist, who then sends the illegal on her merry way – IOTW Report

Chicago: Illegal alien runs down lefty ‘bike safety’ activist, who then sends the illegal on her merry way

American Thinker:

Lefty compassion run amok for illegal who mowed down cyclist.

Bicycles and illegals don’t mix on busy city streets in Chicago. No, wait: They actually mix a lot, and that’s a problem.

A Chicago bike-safety activist, who made it her business to erect bicycles spray-painted white on city streets where cyclists were killed as a reminder to drivers to look out for cyclists, decided that that issue wasn’t all that important in cases where the driver is illegal. Which turned out to be her own assault by an incautious illegal alien driver. In her mind, being illegal trumped the very bike safety she spent time erecting monuments to.

One set of laws for us, another set of laws for them, which is the height of lefty insanity. Here’s what Streets Blog Chicago reported:

On Tuesday, July 31, Green was biking home from her job a barista when an elderly female driver struck her in a Lincoln Square bike lane. (Green asked that we not publish the exact location so as to avoid incriminating the motorist.) She was pedaling north when the southbound driver executed a sudden U-turn as the light turned red and hit her. She thinks the driver’s sightlines may have been blocked by a northbound motorist who was turning left.

The cyclist hit the pavement face-first, suffering a gash in her chin that required four stitches, a black eye, and road rash. Her bike was also badly damaged.

Green, who is uninsured, launched a GoFundMe page to cover her medical expenses and lost wages.

After that, the driver, who was here illegally, (and apparently without a driver’s license that she might not have been able to get anyway due to the impairments of her advanced age) rushed out of the car and rather than voice any concern for the cyclist she had just dragged across the road and left a bloody mess, alongside her wrecked bike, expressed only thoughts for herself, pleading in Spanish (apparently) that she didn’t want to be deported. Never mind about the bleeding woman in front of her that she had just badly injured. It was all about her and the importance of protecting herself from any consequences.

Instead of calling the cops on such an amazingly selfish person, the lefty cyclist excused her then, and allowed her to go off on her merry way, because she … wanted to protest Trump.  more here

17 Comments on Chicago: Illegal alien runs down lefty ‘bike safety’ activist, who then sends the illegal on her merry way

  1. Well, due to another night of insomnia I started the morning in a crabby mood, and then I saw this story and my BP jumped 20 pts.

    So I just had to see her GoFundMe page, read her heroic “I’m a better person than you’ll ever hope to be” sob story, wondering how I could hunt this dingbat down and beat the crap out of her so I’d feel better and she’d have something to really whine about.

    AND THEN I FOUND THE COMMENT SECTION (didn’t know you could comment on GFM unless donating).

    So, she’s getting donations from the dingbat community (up to 6303 of 10K, but she’ll be updating as she needs more money!), but the SLAMS ARE GOLDEN.

    I suddenly feel refreshed and invigorated, with a renewed sense of purpose. I shall spend my day “hearting” the clever commenters who see thru this fraud.

  2. thanks Engelburka Engelburka

    The stupid GoFundMe page has a picture of her all dinged up, but then another picture of her ALL HEALED. She’s ALL HEALED UP and still asking for money???
    As if she will pay her hospital bills. Bills are racist or something.
    Well, somehow I have to hand it to her. Scamming the stupid idiots who prefer illegals mowing down citizens. If she can find people more stupid than she is, that’s an accomplishment, and those goofs deserve to be parted with their money.

  3. organgrinder
    AUGUST 14, 2018 AT 8:55 AM
    “And if the crackpot found out the driver was a Trump voter that person would be working the rest of their life supporting the biker.“

    And we could have read about it in the Chicago Tribune, WaPo, NYT and it would have had Wall-to-wall coverage on every major network, instead of on some obscure blog.

  4. $10,000 for those injuries? Seriously? How dumb are these dopes who are funding this twit? Don’t bother answering me – it was meant rhetorically.

    Don’t any of them doubt her story at all? No witnesses coming forward to corroborate? Smells mighty fishy to me.

  5. Cxs: maybe she got worked over by her lesbian partner (I have read that lesbian relationships have a much higher rate of domestic violence than any other type) and she wanted to make up a cover story.

  6. Wear your hip waders if you go to the GoFundMe because her story is some truly heartfelt triple-spaced meandering bullshit that’s meant to show the shining goodness of her soul, but only reveals that she is 25 pounds of smug in a 5 pound sack. If I ever go to Chicago, I’ll keep an eye out for her and her bike. 😉


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