Chicago is suing Smollet – IOTW Report

Chicago is suing Smollet

DC: The Chicago Department of Law said Thursday it will sue Jussie Smollett after it said the actor “refused to reimburse” the city for the cost of police overtime spent investigating his allegedly staged hate crime in January.

“The Law Department will file the suit in the near future. As part of this legal action, the Law Department will pursue the full measure of damages allowed under the ordinance,” Chicago Department of Law spokesperson Bill McCaffrey said in a statement to The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Chicago threatened to prosecute Smollett, 36, for making a false statement in a letter on March 28 to his attorneys if he didn’t pay the city $130,000 within seven days.

“[Y]ou made a police report in which you falsely claimed that two men had attacked you while yelling racial and homophobic slurs. The Chicago Police Department conducted an extensive investigation into this report,” the letter stated. “Over two dozen detectives and police officers participated in the investigation, ultimately spending weeks investigating the false claims, including a substantial number of overtime hours.” MORE

7 Comments on Chicago is suing Smollet

  1. Remember his whole schtick is about how evil white Trump hating America is. Even if there is obviously no proof, he has no choice but to continue with the charade. The “black community” overwhelmingly believes the police force in this country is enacting “laws for crackers,” it’s the “whitey police.” Reference the whole “Black Lives Matter” BS that continues to this very day. If he agrees to having done wrong by paying the fine, that will send a clear message to the “black community” that he is an uncle tom. That, under no circumstances, is an option for Jussie because he can not change his skin color. Jussie with the help of democrats have made it about race, they can’t switch horses mid-race. The longer he holds out, the greater his chances to successfully join the 2020 clown car in some capacity. If he has failed to pay taxes, that doubles his chances.

  2. If Smollett does have to pay $130,000 to reimburse the Chicago Police Department for investigating his “alleged” assault by two white MAGA cap wearing Trump supporters yelling “This is MAGA Country!” while they draped a cord around his scrawny neck and pretended to sprinkle bleach on him at two o’clock in the morning during freezing weather, this is going to be the most expensive Subway sandwich in history. Along with the $10,000 bond he forfeited, and the legal fees he paid to skate through the corrupt prosecutor hands. this sandwich is going to cost this cretinous pretender around $200,000. Together with the lost income from his fabulous role playing himself as homosexual singer on a television show nobody ever heard of before he staged this attack, Smollett is going to be out a cool $500,000. Cool.

  3. The CPD pulled cops/detectives off active cases for a few weeks to investigate Smollets fraud. I wonder whether some shifty and smart lawyer can gather the relatives of those victims or the victims themselves and sue Smollet for pain and mental anguish they suffered while their cases spun into limbo because of this guy. Let’s get Jussie (or however the hell he wants his name written) on the stand, under oath in a civil trial. As I understand (and so did OJ eventually) the burden of proof is far lower. While he can deny everything on the stand the plaintiff can enter in the CPD’s report of the investigation as rebuttal. It could just clean him out.


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