Chicago: Islamic preacher blames Jews for coronavirus and warns Muslims to arm themselves against neighbors – IOTW Report

Chicago: Islamic preacher blames Jews for coronavirus and warns Muslims to arm themselves against neighbors

Jihad Watch: One of Chicago’s most notorious anti-Semites has responded to the COVID-19 outbreak in a despicable manner: by blaming Jews and encouraging Muslims to arm themselves against their neighbors.

During a series of alarmist rants on his YouTube channel, Imam Omar Baloch simultaneously declared that the coronavirus may be a Zionist-American plot to throttle the growth of the Chinese economy, a punishment from Allah and the work of shadowy secret societies.

However, Baloch’s most concerning online lecture occurred on March 22, when he suggested that the coronavirus presents a “very good opportunity” for Muslims to “purchase firearms” ahead of confrontations with their Trump-supporting neighbors. read more

Meanwhile, in Minneapolis—

Minneapolis Neighborhood Begins Broadcasting Islamic Call to Prayer over Loudspeakers.

Ilhan Omar is thrilled, and you know what that means: you should be, too. A cultural line has been crossed. According to the Star Tribune, “the Muslim call to prayer will be broadcast the traditional five times a day in the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood of Minneapolis, beginning with the start of Ramadan this week and continuing through the end of the religious holiday in May. It will be the first time the call to prayer, commonly broadcast from mosques in Muslim nations, will be heard in Minnesota.” MORE

11 Comments on Chicago: Islamic preacher blames Jews for coronavirus and warns Muslims to arm themselves against neighbors

  1. “…warns Muslims to arm themselves against neighbors”

    …I was under the impression they always WERE, certainly against their non-Muslim neighbors, as Mohammad commands…

    Quran (4:89) – “They but wish that ye should reject Faith, as they do, and thus be on the same footing (as they): But take not friends from their ranks until they flee in the way of Allah (From what is forbidden). But if they turn renegades, seize them and slay them wherever ye find them; and (in any case) take no friends or helpers from their ranks.”

  2. “encouraging Muslims to arm themselves against their neighbors.”

    That may work in the DildoCrat run cities and states.
    But outside those areas, I think the muzzies may find that “The Great Satan” whities have beaten them to the punch. Not only are The Great Satan whities already armed, but they’re already well stocked on ammunition, and have practiced with, and know how to properly use their weapons.
    So, good luck, all you jihadis.

  3. Well I’m confused…
    No violations of You Tube’s arbitrary so-called “standards” here???
    And whut happened to the great allah walla bing bang saying that muzlims are immune to the rona!


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