Chicago Man cut teen’s throat with a box cutter for “taking up too much sidewalk” – IOTW Report

Chicago Man cut teen’s throat with a box cutter for “taking up too much sidewalk”

CWB: A man slashed a 17-year-old boy’s throat in the West Loop because the teen and his girlfriend were “taking up too much sidewalk,” according to court records.

Chevazz Campbell, the boy and a 16-year-old girl were walking in the 400 block of West Roosevelt around 7:15 p.m. last Friday when Campbell allegedly became enraged that the teens were walking side-by-side. After insisting that the couple was taking up too much space on the sidewalk, Campbell pulled out a box cutter and cut the boy’s throat, prosecutors said.  read more

16 Comments on Chicago Man cut teen’s throat with a box cutter for “taking up too much sidewalk”

  1. I’m certainly glad I don’t live in a progressive city where just walking down the street can get you killed.

    I was just watching the crap in Portland. It looks like some boys on the right got fed up and starting fighting back. Cops were no where around when nobody was fighting back and they were terrorizing old men, but in riot gear now that it appears some decided to take back their city.

    The more crazy I see, the more I’m starting to think election night isn’t going to go the way the demon party thinks it is. All hell is likely to place across this country when that happens.

  2. Well, at least he did not shoot the poor kid. Thank God for the stringent gun laws in Chicago.

    Somewhere in Chicago a defense lawyer is laying the foundation for his defense. “White cops” is going to be cornerstone to said defense; mark my words.

  3. The value that the religion of peace places on life is being assimilated into the culture of places like Chicago due to community organizing by Oblowhole and Big Mike.

    Can’t imagine this kind of behavior but sure sounds middle eastern to me.

  4. Sessions will throw more good money after bad to enrich and placate the ward bosses, Democrat machine and community organizers.

    Unlike the many other federal programs in Chicago, I’m sure it will work this time.
    Wasted resources for a wasted city.

  5. The effrontery!
    My guess is that there’s an actual law on the books somewhere in Chicago defining the limits of sidewalk-taking-upping and this poor, unfortunate victim of Police brutality was simply trying to do a “citizen’s” enforcement since the Police were lax (probably on account of ray-cysm).
    If you take the width of the sidewalk, and divide that number by the average number of potential sidewalk-walkers on any given day, distributed over the average number of hours that the said sidewalk-walkers would be walking you come to a designated width of how much sidewalk the sidewalk-walkers should walk.

    It’s only FAIR!

    izlamo delenda est …


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