Chicago Man Gets 15 Years In Prison After Pleading Guilty To Shooting Into Murder Victim’s Grave – IOTW Report

Chicago Man Gets 15 Years In Prison After Pleading Guilty To Shooting Into Murder Victim’s Grave

Right now, other shit holes are reading the news out of Chicago and they’re like– ‘Oh no, don’t lump us in with Chicago!’

CHICAGO (CBS) — A Chicago man has been sentenced to 15 years in prison, after admitting to firing a gun into the grave of a murder victim during his burial service in 2017.

Elston Stevenson pleaded guilty Monday to one count of illegal possession of a firearm by a convicted felon. U.S. District Judge John Tharp sentenced him to 180 months in prison.

Federal prosecutors said, during a burial service at Evergreen Cemetery in Evergreen Park on Nov. 22, 2017, Stevenson pulled out a handgun and fired a single shot into the grave of a man who had been murdered two days earlier. more here

14 Comments on Chicago Man Gets 15 Years In Prison After Pleading Guilty To Shooting Into Murder Victim’s Grave

  1. Posturing prosecutor.

    “When a felon brings a loaded gun to a populated area and uses the gun to threaten and endanger strangers, this conduct will not be tolerated,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Cornelius A. Vandenberg argued in the government’s sentencing memorandum.

    Nothing I’ve read suggests that Stevenson threatened or endangered anybody. He fired one shot into the grave.

    “The mourners were all in the immediate vicinity of the defendant when he produced the loaded weapon and were placed in danger by the defendant’s reckless firing of the weapon into the gravesite.”

    Nothing I’ve read suggests that Stevenson fired the gun recklessly. He fired one shot into the grave.

    Stevenson sounds to me like a low-life piece of crap. I’m not defending him; I’m decrying the grandstanding of AUSA Vandenberg. I suspect he’s a Dem with political aspirations.

  2. Would like to see this judge and prosecutor go after Hillary and about a thousand others(minimum) throughout the government. These two should co-rule the DOJ.

  3. Chicago. Felon in illegal possession of a firearm. Food for thought for other felons. Maybe?

    Gotta admit, nothing much else they’re doing seems to be working to reduce homicide there. 5,327 illegal guns confiscated by police there this year so far.

  4. “Project Exile” is the way to go. If something as minor as an empty shell casing is found on the person of a convicted felon they go to federal prison in a distant State for 5 years with No Parole. When the did it in Richmond VA. 20 years ago the perps were throwing their guns away and the shootings rate bottomed.

  5. I don’t know … shooting into a new grave should come under “Freedom of Speech” shouldn’t it? I mean, if you can burn a flag, and THAT’S considered “speech,” then why shouldn’t this be? The man was just practicing his First Amendment Right!

    The prosecuting judge is, obviously, flexing its judicial muscle for some end other than “justice.”

    The act, in and of itself, is of no consequence, whatsoever – meaningless noise.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. I wonder what the guy did?

    Probably something uncool as people were still shooting at him as he was being lowered into the grave.

    What if he was a pedo or something. I’d shoot a coffin if that were the case. Why?…..I dunno’, cuz some people just need shootin’ I guess.


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