Chicago mayor condemns Eric Trump spitting attack: ‘This isn’t about politics. This is about civility’ – IOTW Report

Chicago mayor condemns Eric Trump spitting attack: ‘This isn’t about politics. This is about civility’


Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot called for civility after a waitress at an upscale bar spit on Eric Trump earlier this week.

“Civility matters. We may not agree and, in my case, I don’t agree with a lot of the things that President Trump stands for. Our values are different. But you cross the line when you assault someone. And you absolutely cross the line when you intentionally target someone for that kind of treatment. No one deserves that. No one,” Lightfoot said Thursday.

“This is America. People have a right to have their views, no matter if we agree with them or not. But we can not countenance people who go out of their way to express themselves in such a repugnant fashion,” she continued.

An employee of the Aviary was taken into police custody after the incident Tuesday. She was released after Trump declined to press charges.

10 Comments on Chicago mayor condemns Eric Trump spitting attack: ‘This isn’t about politics. This is about civility’

  1. Remember all that caterwauling crap when the Demonrats were crying (falsely) that they were spat upon as they walked from the Capitol to the House?

    This isn’t getting nearly as much coverage as that fake news perpetrated against Demonrats – why is that?

    A REAL spitting incident is glossed over but a fake one was blabbed about for days.
    Hmmm …

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. “Civility matters” unless your a dumocrat attacking a president or his supporters you hate. Civility must be a optional hat you can put on as required by the political wind.

  3. He should have pressed charges. These people don’t understand civility or mercy.
    Their heads are made of rock and so are their hearts.
    That chick touched fire, and Eric should have let her burn.

  4. Why not press charges?!

    Spank these little shitheads. Isn’t everyone tired of this?!!!

    And then Chicago can PROVE that they won’t stand for this; by sentencing the perp as they see fit.

    Talk is no longer cheap. From the mouths of the Left, it is WORTHLESS.


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