Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Grudgingly Accepts Federal Law Enforcement Help – IOTW Report

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Grudgingly Accepts Federal Law Enforcement Help

Breitbart/Joe Pollack: Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot has accepted President Donald Trump’s offer of federal law enforcement officials to help fight crime in Chicago — but says they must not patrol protests, as federal officials are doing in Portland, Oregon.

President Trump and Mayor Lightfoot spoke Wednesday evening, after the administration announced that it would surge federal law enforcement agents to Chicago and other cities suffering from a wave of violent crime in the wake of Black Lives Matter protests. The protests have prompted police to scale back patrols — in some cases at the behest of politicians.

Lightfoot claimed that Trump “realized that what he did in Portland was a grave abuse of his presidential power,” though it was not clear that the president had made any such admission. The Department of Homeland Security has sent agents to protect the federal courthouse in downtown Portland, which has been vandalized and firebombed by black-clad rioters associated with Black Lives Matter protests. Some 200 federal officials are expected to be deployed to Chicago. more

22 Comments on Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Grudgingly Accepts Federal Law Enforcement Help

  1. The Feds are coming to Seattle. This weekend is going to be really ugly in the Pacific NW.

    The AntiFa are having “rallies of support for Portland.” It was 20 cities joining in yesterday and now it’s 34 cities. Who knows how many more since I last checked.

  2. After the first insulting refusal of his offer he shouldn’t have left the door open. He’s not going to get any support from Chicago or likely Illinois itself so why risk federal lives trying to fix something that Lightfoot and her gang have gleefully caused.

  3. “[Trump]realized that what he did in Portland was a grave abuse of his presidential power”

    In other words he did what the the mayor didn’t have the balls to do.

  4. Lightfoot doesn’t have a say in the matter. POTUS Trump is legally required, under federal statute, to defend and protect federal property. Chicago is also an avowed and confirmed so-called sanctuary city and Trump’s Secretary of DHS, Chad Wolf, makes no bones of pursuing federal legal action against sanctuary cities. By designating their cities in this way, commie mayors have essentially created a new form of government within the boundaries of the U.S., where U.S. law has no effect; it’s based almost entirely on whatever the mayor and commie-run city councils say it is.

    I’ve been carefully listening to several presentations by David Horowitz — most recent and going back 3, 6, 10 years ago — about the movement of the Left (nationally and globally). Everything he said a dozen years ago about how they have usurped the Democrat party is now so apparent.

    These communists (and that’s who they are, communists) are thrilled to see the culmination of their project to take down America. It’s quite beyond scoring political points or pandering for votes. All these governors and mayors who are sitting on their hands and making law enforcement stand down are simply facilitating the destruction of our country. They hate America, they hate our Constitution, they hate Trump, and they hate us. And any Democrat public official who dares question their tactics at this point are summarily “shot”, their lives destroyed as thoroughly as though they had been killed. In some cases — just as they are doing to conservatives like Tucker Carlson — they actually threaten their lives and the lives of their loved ones.

  5. What AA said.

    That is what needs to be explained to your Dem friends.

    The ones I know completely recite MSN CNN talking points. It’s like hearing a recorder.

    Very frustrating if you let it get to you. I not only cite facts to them, I lead them to the information that refutes their positions.

    The thing that frustrates them the most? I never use Fox, which is their ultimate foe. They are morons when it comes to this stuff. I keep pointing out their use of the word “believe”. As in “I don’t believe that”. Like it’s a religion I’m having to battle, when it’s just ignorance. They ignore everything outside of their preferred (or is it prescribed?) belief.

  6. @ DO4: Fortunately, we no longer have any (d) friends left here in Nolackaloonies, MT, they having cast us off when they learned we voted for GWB many years ago. My most recent encounter was with a now former friend whom I had not seen in many years. BTW – he was wearing a mask well before the order was issued. Anyway, when he learned, after insulting President Trump that I supported him, he said “OOOOOHH GAWD!!” and scuttled away like a cockroach caught in the sun. But I have to ask: Have you had ANY success whatsoever trying to talk to them with facts? Here in Nolackaloonies, it always instantly reduces to cant and insults – and scuttling.

  7. @ systemically confused

    Conversion? No

    Stop bringing up politics with weakass propaganda? yes. Well, some. They drop it quickly once they remember who they’re talking to.

    So, if they aren’t open to becoming aware, at least they have the truth laid out and can’t just go on and on about it without engaging whatever I just said.

    The newish BF of a long time female friend keeps getting shut down when she looks up what I’m saying in the moment. She isn’t intending to support what I say – more like putting an end to the issue at hand, but she is more committed to what is true than he is. The hardest part when that happens is preventing myself from smiling. He behaves himself after that happens.

    She respects me. Our kids grew up together and she knows my values are not selfish or evil. She witnessed how my ex was and how I handled things. Plus my oldest son sees her every Mother’s Day to acknowledge what a good person she is. Something one of her sons refuses to do. She hasn’t seen that son in about 8 years now. She knows I raised my sons well. Hard to dislike my results and my politics are related to my values.

    This is a thorn for the knee-jerking BF she now has. I’m sure some of the apologies I have gotten from him were due to her setting him straight after I left.

    Then there is the one customer that clashes with me every service trip. “You still like President Trump?” I don’t even go further than “Of course. Best president ever.” If he wants to go further, I ask him what other news organizations he listens to besides MSN or CNN. It fades fast after that. It isn’t hard to point out the truth and I kind of enjoy how he twists himself over all this. He rejects God, so his values are screwed. What am I going to convince him of?


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