Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel won’t run for re-election – IOTW Report

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel won’t run for re-election

Chicago Tribune: In a stunning decision, Mayor Rahm Emanuel announced Tuesday morning that he will no longer seek a third term in office, signaling the end to what has been a tumultuous – and at times transformative – eight years in office.

With First Lady Amy Rule by his side, an emotional Emanuel said the time simply had come to write a new chapter in their lives together.

“I’ve decided not to seek re-election,” Emanuel said. “This has been the job of a lifetime, but it is not a job for a lifetime.”

Emanuel’s decision marks a dramatic political reversal, as for the better part of the last year he had said he would run for a third term. The mayor, long a prolific fundraiser, had already reeled in more than $10 million toward a bid for a third term.


13 Comments on Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel won’t run for re-election

  1. Don’t count Tiny Dancer out just yet. He’s juiced in to the Obama-DC-Chicago machine. I don’t know who or what, but I’d be willing to bet that a better offer just showed up.

  2. Politicians only leave when (1) things are about to go tits up, or (2) there is a better offer on the table. I haven’t heard Rahm has a better offer out there, so I’m going with option number 1.

    The Chicago Tribune article noted with approval that Rahm raised property taxes (except for those businesses who got preferential treatment for moving or staying in Chicago, of course). The Tribune also noted with disapproval that Rahm closed 50 schools due to decreased student enrollment. That’s the Trib’s formula for putting Chicago back on the path to financial stability? Public union pensions are still woefully underfunded, but at least the Tribune knows, or believes it knows where its bread is buttered and that is unabashed support for public unions.

    Chicago is careening towards a cliff, and is looking at Springfield or Washington D.C. to bail it out. But Illinois citizens, and particularly middle class citizens are voting with their feet – they’re leaving. Those are the numbers Rahm is looking at, and he is getting out while the getting is good.

  3. @Wyatt – how right you are. And, there is the Laquan McDonald shooting trial starting this week. I don’t think it make a difference if Van Dyke is found guilty or not, it will just be another excuse for riots. Have had a ton of concern for the CPD for a while now.

  4. The bigotry of the Press is clear here. Think about it! “STUNNING”?! the man is the worst Chicago Mayor since Daley!

    Had he tried to run again ; now that would be STUNNING!

  5. “I’ve decided not to seek re-election,” Emanuel said. “This has been the job of a lifetime, but it is not a job for a lifetime.”

    Richard J. Daley (the dad) was unavailable for comment.


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