Chicago Mayor ‘Rona Destroyer’ Lightfoot issues stay-at-home advisory – IOTW Report

Chicago Mayor ‘Rona Destroyer’ Lightfoot issues stay-at-home advisory

Urges cancellation of Thanksgiving celebrations.

The new stay-at-home advisory will go into effect at 6 a.m. on Monday, November 16 and comes just two weeks before Thanksgiving, one of the busiest travel days of the year.

SNIP: Why Monday? Is The ‘Rona on vacation ’til Sunday night?

19 Comments on Chicago Mayor ‘Rona Destroyer’ Lightfoot issues stay-at-home advisory

  1. Is it improper to suggest that the only way Chicago residents would have reason to give thanks is if a patriot corners the mayor in an alley and beat her to death with blunt instruments?

    It would certainly brighten my thanksgiving.

  2. Rona Destroyer LMAO The Corona Destroyer LOL
    Does she know the corona is the ridge on the head of a man’s penis LOL Go ahead McGoogle it…
    She’s a dickhead!

  3. “Is The ‘Rona on vacation ’til Sunday night?”

    Very possibly. Where is Dr. Fauci and his cute little vaccine investment assistant, Rona Vaccinova? In Peking (oh, I’m sorry, Beijing), China on a little R&R?

    Oh, and Lightfoot drinks Clorox.

  4. Is she more a reptilian creature with eyes on either side of her head, like an iguana, or a sea creature, like a hammerhead shark?

    No question that she is not homosapien.
    This is an alien creature. I’ve never seen a member of my species that looks like this.

  5. As if I didn’t have enough reasons to hate the left. Enough already, go to Hell and leave us alone to celebrate Thanksgiving as we see fit. It’s none of your damn business to tell us what we can and can not do as free American citizens. Let’s hope our dumbass governor in Wash. state Jay Pinheadslee doesn’t do the same. I’m fed up with these dictatorial bastards and their out of control unconstitutional mandates and dictates over our lives.

  6. Chicongo libs voted for that thing hoping they’d get screwed. Now they’re pissed because she effed em good and didn’t use Vaseline. From now on Chicongo libs will be voting for Pro-Vaseline democrats.

  7. Are they not going to allow homeless people, vagrants, bums etc. to be served Thanksgiving dinner at missions like the Salvation Army, Union Gospel Mission, Catholic Charities, St. Vincent De Paul etc. because too many people will be gathered there for a free holiday dinner that can’t afford Thanksgiving dinner elsewhere?


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