Chicago mayor threatens jail for small get togethers – IOTW Report

Chicago mayor threatens jail for small get togethers

Mayor Haircut is bringing new power to the surveillance state.

Said Lightfoot about small gatherings, “We will shut you down, we will cite you, and if we need to, we will arrest you and we will take you to jail,” she said at a Saturday presser.


34 Comments on Chicago mayor threatens jail for small get togethers

  1. When a black, disabled, bulldyke leftist speaks everyone best listen. ESPECIALLY if she’s had her hair done.

    Hoping the Civil Rights Division of the DOJ comes after you like a mad dog in a meat market.


  2. I thought they were letting people out of jail because of the corona virus, now they’ll be putting people in jail because of the corona virus.
    Illinois, a state where the jokes write themselves.

  3. Isn’t jail a gathering?

    Can you spell “logic” there, asshole?

    But Chicagoans got EXACTLY what they voted for.

    Think before you vote – NOT after!

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Bad advice.
    If the distance is less than six feet, gang bangers have a better chance of hitting their targets, reducing injuries and deaths in passers by

  5. I thought women were supposed to be more compassionate than men. Guess who the real nazis are? Liberal women. Michigan, Maine, New Mexico, Washington…..

  6. So felons are being released from prisons and people committing felonies are Not being arrested because of the virus but if you get together with friends we will throw you in jail.

    Why not re-education camp?

  7. liberal logic
    non existent
    instead they have:
    cognitive dissonance
    the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change.

  8. Didn’t they just have several hundred people gather for some kind of bash not long ago – thumbing their noses at Social Distancing. Don’t recall them jailing anyone…

  9. People are going to have to elect new Governors and Mayors to get freedom back, because the current tyrants want to keep their new powers forever. And by “forever”, I mean, “Keep an eye on the bastards and their term limits”.

  10. Mayor Leftfoot would be wise to step back that threat. Gangs responsible for the most deaths in Chicago aren’t intimidating by her malarkey police state tactics. They won’t stop partying because of her mandate.
    As Aunt Ester would say, “She’s a fish eyed fool. A evil heathen”.

  11. Bold talk from the malignant dwarf . She won’t arrest any of her homies. The shootings continue unabated an GOV. Kim Jung Pritzker continues to FATTEN the curve. Sunday was another record infection number. So much for shelter in place. By the way you can’t ask him where his wife fled to. Or who he’s getting his hair cut at. 2 months on lockdown and his hair is always trimmed. We will be on lockdown till the election in November an the State is destroyed. By the way Kim bought 17 million $ defective masks from Plagina . I’m sure we’ll get a refund.

  12. She’s the perfect democrat executive:

    1. Minority
    2. Woman
    3. Lesbian
    4. Fascist
    5. Hypocrite (She didn’t style her own hair here.)
    6. Stupid as Hell

    Anyone still voting democrat at this point is either an evil orc piece of shit like the bitch in the video or functionally brain dead.

  13. @Thirdtwin May 4, 2020 at 1:15 pm

    > People are going to have to elect new Governors and Mayors to get freedom back

    “Abide by the rules of the current regime, to ‘change’ the current regime?”

    It’s a plan. I’m not saying it’s a good plan. But it’s a plan.


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